SIC News | 73 more deaths and 6,087 cases of covid-19 in Portugal in the last 24 hours


Portugal registered in the last 24 hours another 73 deaths and 6,087 New cases of contagion, according to the bulletin of the General Directorate of Health this Saturday.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Portugal, 4,876 people have died of the 318,640 confirmed cases of infection. Another 6,165 patients were considered recovered, now numbering 240,203.

There are fewer 66 patients admitted to the ward, a total of 3,229. There are at least nine patients in the Intensive Care Units in the last 24 hours, bringing the total down to 517.

Health authorities have 77,197 contacts under surveillance, 446 fewer than on Friday.

Government announces today measures for Christmas and New Year

The Prime Minister announced this Saturday the measures to combat covid-19 framed by the presidential decree of a state of emergency, which will indicatively be in force until January 7, including the Christmas and New Year periods.

On Friday, with the favorable votes of the PS, PSD and the unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues, the Assembly of the Republic approved the renewal of the state of emergency – Diploma with opposition from the PCP, PEV, Chega and Liberal Initiative, and abstentions from the Bloco de Esquerda, PAN, CDS and the unregistered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira.

This presidential decree that renews the state of emergency until December 23, with a reference in the introduction to its “foreseeable” extension until January 7, has a content identical to that in force, that is, to maintain the norms that allow restrictive measures to contain the covid-19 by groups of municipalities, including the prohibition of circulation in certain periods or days of the week.

In the last public interventions, António Costa already admitted that the The government can relax the restriction regime to apply during the Christmas period, but not in the New Year.

Districts covered by ARS-North decrease new cases

All the districts covered by ARS-North decreased new cases of covid-19 infection between the weeks of November 19 to 25 and from November 26 to December 2, according to a report consulted by Lusa.

According to the report of the Regional Health Administration of the North (ARS-N) that reports weekly epidemiological evolution in the provinces of the region – and that the The Lusa agency today had access – the district of Bragança registered the largest decrease in cases in the period (-45%), followed by Viana do Castelo (-42%), Braga (-38%), Aveiro (-31%), Porto (-30%) ), Viseu (-23%) and Vila Real (-9%).
