SIC News | 73 more deaths and 4,788 cases of Covid-19 in Portugal in the last 24 hours


In the last 24 hours, Portugal registered 4,788 new cases of contagion and 73 more deaths associated with the Covid-19 disease, according to the bulletin of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) this Sunday.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in Portugal, 3,897 people have died of the 260,758 confirmed cases of infection.

The DGS indicates that, of the 73 deaths registered in the last 24 hours, 39 occurred in the North region, 20 in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, 12 in the Center region and 2 in Alentejo.

There are 6 more patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units, totaling 491. In relation to hospital admissions to the ward, there are more than 126 hospitalized people, now totaling 3,151.

Another 3,540 patients were reported to have recovered. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Portugal, 172,919 people have recovered from the disease.

Health authorities have more than 1,146 contacts under surveillance compared to Saturday.

Data by region

The North region has the highest number of new cases, with 3,091 reported in the last 24 hours, totaling 135,363 cases and 1,822 deaths since the start of the pandemic.

In the Lisbon region and the Tagus Valley, 844 new cases of infection were reported, representing 88,983 cases and 1,421 deaths.

In the Central region, 637 more cases were registered, with 25,013 infections and 499 deaths in this territory.

In Alentejo, 112 new cases of covid-19 were registered, with a total of 5,169 and 96 deaths.

The Algarve region today reported 73 more cases of infection, totaling 4,679 cases and 42 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

In the Autonomous Region of the Azores, 18 new cases were registered in the last 24 hours, adding 799 infections and 15 deaths since the start of the pandemic (regional data indicate 16 deaths).

Madeira registered 13 more new cases between Friday and today, with a total of 772 infections and two deaths.

Gender and age group

Confirmed cases are distributed in all age groups, with the highest number of infections between 20 and 59 years.

The new coronavirus has already infected at least 115,092 men and 140,885 women in Portugal, according to reported cases.

The bulletin indicates that there are 4,781 confirmed cases of unknown genders that are under investigation, as this data is not automatically released.

Of the total deaths, 2,013 were men and 1,884 women.

The highest number of deaths is still concentrated in people over 80 years of age.

António Costa announced this Saturday the measures that will be applied for the new state of emergency, renewed this Friday by the Assembly of the Republic.

See the full document here

Costa announced that the use of masks will also be mandatory in the workplace, except when the positions are isolated or when there is physical separation between workers. Until now, the use of masks was compulsory on the streets – when it was not possible to maintain physical distance – and in closed publics.

In the next two weekends, marked Tuesday by the festivities that “invite the existence of bridges”, Circulation between companies is prohibited.

Costa also announced the Carrying out inspection actions to comply with teleworking., as there has been “a significant breach” in cases where this type of work is possible.

To differentiate the measures in the municipalities with the highest risk of contagion by Covid-19, the Government ordered four risk levels. So far, the measures have been applied to all municipalities with more than 240 cases per 100,000 inhabitants registered in the previous 14 days.

António Costa announced that of the 191 municipalities previously included in the high-risk list, there are 15 that reduced the number of infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 15 days. Initially, the government had announced that 17 municipalities would drop to a moderate level.


The prime minister said he would be “very surprised” if the state of emergency does not occur at Christmas, and said that the content of the measures being adopted is less intense, but with a longer period of time.

In addition to the restrictions imposed to contain the pandemic, the Government announced measures to support the economy.

New measures to support the economy include postponing social security and quarterly VAT payments; business rental support and immediate access to support for gradual recovery.

More than 1.38 million deaths worldwide

The covid-19 pandemic has killed at least 1,381,915 people worldwide since the onset of the disease was reported in China in late December 2019, according to an AFP balance sheet today, from official sources.

The balance of the French Press Agency (AFP) until today, at 11:00, accounts for more than 58,165,460 cases of infection worldwide, officially diagnosed since the beginning of the spread – which reached the World Health Organization (WHO) assume it as a pandemic – and of these, at least 37,053,500 are already considered cured.

On Saturday, 9,021 new deaths and 580,396 new cases were recorded worldwide. The countries that recorded the highest number of new deaths in their most recent reports were the United States of America (USA) with 1,503 new deaths, Italy (692) and Mexico (550).

The United States is the country most affected in deaths and infections, with 255,905 deaths and 12,090,469 cases, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally. At least 4,529,700 people have been declared cured.

After the US, the most affected countries are Brazil (168,989 deaths and 6,052,786 cases), India (133,227 deaths and 9,095,806 infections, Mexico (101,373 deaths and 1,032,688 cases) and the United Kingdom (54,626 deaths) and 1,493,383 cases ).

Among the most affected countries, Belgium is the one with the highest number of deaths in relation to its population, with 134 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Peru (108), Spain (91) and Argentina (82).

China (excluding the territories of Hong Kong and Macao) officially recorded a total of 86,431 cases (17 new cases between Saturday and Sunday), including 4,634 deaths and 81,481 recoveries.

At 11:00 GMT today, Latin America and the Caribbean totaled 433,865 deaths and 12,431,882 cases, Europe 369,144 deaths and 16,253,491 cases, and the United States and Canada totaled 267,302 deaths and 12,414,386 cases, Asia 187,681 deaths and 11,869,395 infections, the Middle East 73,549 deaths and 3,106,525 cases, Africa 49,433 deaths and 2,059,651 infections, and Oceania 941 deaths and 30,131 cases.

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