SIC News | 114 municipalities in curfew: traffic, shops and restaurants behind closed doors are prohibited


From 1:00 p.m. there are 114 municipalities with a curfew.

It is forbidden to move and be away from home without a justification that complies with the exceptions decreed by the Government. And shops and restaurants are also closed until 08:00 on Sundays, when they can reopen.

Supermarkets opened a little earlier this Saturday to give customers time to buy, but the movement was less than that registered during the week. In restaurants, losses are accounted for on this first restriction weekend.

Last Thursday, the Government decided to order the closure of shops and restaurants at 1:00 p.m., this weekend and next. It was also decided that the opening of establishments can only take place after 8:00 am.

“The norm is that everything is closed at 1:00 pm,” Prime Minister António Costa said at a press conference after the Council of Ministers meeting, referring to municipalities with a high risk of contagion from covid-19.

These restrictions have led to several protests, particularly from the restaurant sector.

Costa leaves a message to the country on the first weekend of the curfew

António Costa recalls that the sacrifices and losses of the weekend curfew are a “lesser evil” compared to what would be a new total paralysis of the economy, as happened in March.

The prime minister released a video asking the Portuguese to comply and stay home.


  • Pharmacy
  • Clinics and offices
  • Funeral
  • Food stores with doors to the street up to 200m2
  • Gasoline pumps


Traveling to grocery stores, supermarkets or pharmacies is one of the exceptions to the ban on driving on public roads.

According to the decree that regulates the application of the state of emergency, published in the Diário da República, “trips to grocery stores and supermarkets and other establishments that sell food and hygiene products for people and animals are allowed.”

In these establishments, the diploma says, “you can also buy other products that are available there.”

However, the permitted trips, which are detailed in 13 paragraphs of the decree, must be made “preferably without accompaniment and must respect the recommendations and orders determined by the health authorities and security forces, that is, those relating to the distances to be respected people”. .

It is also possible to take short walks on foot and with pets, alone or with members of the household.

Anyone who needs to leave home for reasons of health or force majeure may do so, provided it is duly justified.

Among other exceptions, there are also exercises. You will need a statement from the employer or a self-declaration if you are self-employed.

Security forces and health professionals do not need justification.

Read the full statement of the Council of Ministers here.


The Minister of Economy has revealed that the Government has already supported or will support the restaurant sector in 1103 million euros, to compensate for the breakdown of income in the first nine months of the year. Regarding the aid for the closure of these two weekends, Pedro Siza Vieira estimates that they will be around 25 million euros.

Pedro Siza Vieira explained that this additional support will allow the sector to compensate with 20% of the losses, but it will be calculated based on the average of billing breaks on weekends since January of this year and not based on the same period of 2019, as they are. the support already announced will be calculated.

The complete list of municipalities can be consulted here.
