SIC and TVI face their end of value-added calls


Anyone who watches television is easily aware that there are several programs with hobbies / contests. To participate, viewers only have to make calls to a value-added number and wait for luck to knock on their door.

However, the Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, recommended that the Government prohibit television contests that use telephone numbers with additional cost. SIC and TVI are against it.

SIC and TVI face their end of value-added calls

End of value-added calls: SIC and TVI say they are "surprised"

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral wants the Government to not allow TV contests with value-added calls. SIC and TVI have already come to defend that the “760-761” even raises funds for solidarity. In a joint statement, SIC and TVI claim to be "surprised" by the news of such recommendation, which, they say, "has important implications for the economic and financial sustainability" of their activity and, they add, were not consulted or listened to.

The television operators maintain that "the recommendation is unfounded, is not based on objective technical elements and omits that the television operators comply with the legal framework applicable to this activity."

The statement also mentions that the recommendation "

omits that calls to numbers in the range 760-761 were and are frequently used for awareness campaigns and revenue collection for public interest and solidarity purposes, with no benefit to television channels

and although ...

The prohibition of conducting television contests that use calls to numbers in the range 760-761 (…), in the midst of a pandemic and economic and social crisis, would have a strong impact on television operators TVI and SIC and on other elements of value chain, with the consequent increase in precariousness in the audiovisual sector, causing a significant drop in state tax revenues

SIC and TVI face their end of value-added calls

Maria Lúcia Amaral's recommendation was signed on October 19, the Ombudsman's Office also considers that “the holding of contests that call for telephone calls using numbers with prefixes 760 and 761, which are numbers with a special increased rate, calls into question compliance with the Game Law.

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