Shock! Teacher of the little country Valentina sai in defense of him: You are educated and respectful! – National


Therefore, it is awaited that the court stipulates the measures of coação ao pai e à madrasta de Valentina, strongly indicted of qualified homicide, has a longtime teacher of Sandro Bernardo that or remembers as muito carinho.

Nas redes sociais Helena Marques [cujo post já não está disponível] It shows you the times when you lived together as agora suspeito da morte da filha Valentina, a nine-year-old girl found dead not past Sunday.
No journal ‘Sol’ is reproduced as a message. “Sandro Bernardo, some hair who has always nurtured a great sympathy for being educated and respectful for me,” he commented for escreating a former professor of Physical and Chemical Sciences.

He recalls: “Extremely lacking and perhaps somewhat ‘frustrated’ by being more velho da turma, at a high level, it has had some retentions. Victim of a story like so many others, there is nothing that can be done against a society that was so cruel to ele “

“What happened to your life Sandro Bernardo ??? You are not a criminal and I have no certainty! There is a sensitive and lacking heart inside! Then why? No one knows, nem you will be silent …” devias ter feito ‘, you know disso! “, I explained to the teacher.

And he continued: “I leafed out when I heard the news, I shuddered, I was shocked when I went to‘ baú das recordações ’fiquei TÃO TRISTE, Sandro.”
