Serious worker after being picked up by car in Famalicão


The TexBoost technological innovation initiative has just presented at CITEVE – Research Center for the Textile and Clothing Industry, in Famalicão, the final results of three and a half years of research and development, which culminated in more than 70 new products, technologies or concepts. .

TexBoost managed 100 million euros only in exports, in innovative products such as car seats with biometric sensor, thermally regulated mattresses or technical clothing for activities as different as surfing in extreme conditions or picking figs. from India.

The action, which aimed to increase the technological potential of the textile sector, brought together 28 companies and 15 research centers. “A real showcase for the future”, says the general director of CITEVE, António Braz Costa.

According to wage T and with CITEVE, consulted by O MINHO, the new products in the sector are guided by “innovation, sustainability, digitization and dematerialization”.

“This was the largest research project ever developed with the coordination of CITVE”, confessed Braz Costa, an expert in the sector, a graduate of the University of Minho and already with a long history in technological innovation.

400 thousand working hours

During three and a half years – and 400 thousand hours of specialized work, bringing together 237 technicians – TexBoost developed 30 new materials, 13 new production processes, four new tools and technologies, three new textile structures, four joining systems and 17 final products. , in addition to triggering a series of scientific articles. Of the project, 8 patent applications have already been made and another three are yet to be processed.

The novelties presented cover the entire textile sector, from high-performance yarns to new models of technical clothing, for areas such as health, workwear or high-performance sports. In addition to ITV, TexBoost also brings innovations to other sectors, such as molds, cork or leather, which actively participated in the consortium. A total of 43 entities participated: 28 companies and 15 research and knowledge centers.

As a result, the project has already registered 32 new hires in areas of strong specialization and hopes to create a wave of impact on the billing of the various companies involved and throughout the sector. With a base investment of 9.2 million euros (70% co-financed), TexBoost expects to induce a growth of around 25% in the sales of the companies involved, which could translate into around 100 million euros. only exports.
