Sérgio Sousa Pinto accuses new JS leader of having “Stalinist tickets” – Observer


Sérgio Sousa Pinto, deputy and former leader of JS, did not like to see Miguel Costa Matos, the new general secretary of the ‘jota’, omitting the names of António José Seguro, Jamila Madeira or Sousa Pinto himself in the closing speech Congress of that youth party, which took place this Sunday. For the socialist, moreover, this omission was “deliberate” and is part of a conscious strategy to erase the influence of historical leaders not necessarily aligned with the current leadership of the party or with the most recent figures of the PS.

Speaking to The Observer, Sousa Pinto accused Costa Matos of revealing “Stalinist tics” and of wanting to “tweak history”, erasing “certain figures” who had leadership responsibilities in that party structure. “He behaved similarly to Stalin“, the Mint.

In the closing speech of the party congress, which confirmed him as the new leader of JS, Miguel Costa Matos recalled the “historical legacy” left by his predecessors, from Alberto Arons de Carvalho, first secretary general of JS, to María Begonha, who he left office this Sunday, going through others “outstanding leaders” as “Pedro Nuno Santos, Duarte Cordeiro, João Torres or Margarida Marques ”.

From outside the Costa Matos speech, names like António José Seguro, the only JS general secretary to become party leader, Jamila Madeira, who defeated Ana Catarina Mendes, current parliamentary leader of the PS at that time, and Sérgio Sousa Pinto, one of the most relevant figures in the history of JS for the role he played in the fight for the decriminalization of abortion, a war that he bought against António Guterres and lost after the then leader of the PS agreed with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to carry out a referendum.

After the confrontation with Guterres, by the way, Sousa Pinto left the leadership of JS on a collision course with the party leadership and ended up assuming functions in Brussels. “I left the party leadership, so the injuries with the leadership were very great. I did not recognize myself in many aspects of the appeasement of a secretary general of the PS with the most conservative sectors of Portuguese society. It was also a phase of great discomfort due to my intervention in the ER. So the European Parliament was an extraordinary experience and an excellent decision because something extraordinary happened there. I had a distant relationship with Dr. Mário Soares, we were 50 years apart, and suddenly we meet in the European Parliament and it is the beginning of my friendship with him. It was something that changed my life and, in fact, it was what reconciled me with politics, “he revealed in a life interview with The Observer.

For Sousa Pinto, this omission was not a coincidence but a conscious act of trying to erase the role of the historical leaders who, in one way or another, have been uncomfortable voices in this PS – Sousa Pinto, for example, was and is a strong opponent of the ‘gadget’ and the alliances that the socialists made on the left. “JS didn’t deserve this“It just came to our knowledge then.

Since the historic dispute between Ana Catarina Mendes and Jamila Madeira, who left deep traces in JS, the socialist ‘jota’ for experiencing a period of pacification. In 2000, Jamila Pereira, then supported by António José Seguro, won the elections defeating Ana Catarina Mendes (supported by António Costa) by a single vote, in a process embroiled in controversy – António Guterres even preferred not to attend the session of closing of that The Congress of Espinho will not contemplate the scenes carried out by the two rival groups.

Since then, the leaders have been Pedro Nuno Santos, Duarte Cordeiro, Pedro Delgado Alves (three of the four ‘young Turks’), but also João Torres, Ivan Gonçalves, Maria Begonha and now Miguel Costa Matos. The seven, with greater or lesser differences, aligned themselves with Pedro Nuno Santos, today Minister of Infrastructure.

The new leader of JS wants that the public education is “completely free in all the cycles of education”
