Separated for 8 weeks! Manuel Luís Goucha has a trick to escape from her husband Rui during quarantine – Actualidade


“I am very moving, I am not kissing.” This is how Manuel Luís Goucha justifies being away from her husband, Rui Oliveira, 8 weeks ago. It was the presenter himself who revealed it on Friday afternoon, during a special broadcast on TVI, along with Maria Botelho Moniz. “In fact, I have already decided that I will remain in quarantine for the rest of my life.”, he concluded, laughing, justifying his little appetite for the “touch”.

Speaking to chef Ljubomir Stanisic, who said the exact opposite, that is, feeling an immense lack of being able to touch people, Manuel Luís admitted, however, that “A hug is fine. Kisses is not.”

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Given this, Maria Botelho Moniz promised you a big hug, “As soon as we can hug,” he joked. “A hug that has been promised for a long time,” added the two presenters who have been revealed, since María arrived at TVI, a very successful duo.

Remember that while Goucha remains in Lisbon to be able to present, Você na TV, from Monday to Friday, Rui Oliveira is on the couple’s hill in Alentejo, where he deals with business, particularly horses.

Goucha and Rui Oliveira more united than ever
