Sentenced to prison for alleging that Samuel Paty ″ deserved ″ to die


A 19-year-old biology student who wrote on the social network Facebook that the professor, beheaded a week ago on the outskirts of Paris, “deserved” to die, was sentenced this Friday to four months in prison for “excusing terrorism.”

The news is advanced by the agency France-Press (AFP), which also ensures that the young student will have to do a citizenship internship for six months.

The young woman responded to a report by L’Est Républicain published on the Facebook page of the social network in this regional newspaper: “He did not deserve to be beheaded, but to die.”

The comment was reported by a user and ended the detention on Thursday, while the student was attending classes at the University of Besançon.

“I am sorry I wrote this comment, I apologize. I am against what I wrote,” said the young student in court, noting that she wrote “very quickly” and “without thinking”, but that she “deleted the comment that same night” .

The student added that she made “a very serious mistake”, assuring that she was unaware of the circumstances in which the history and geography professor Samuel Paty was assassinated for displaying cartoons of the prophet Muhammad during a class on freedom of expression.

The young woman, from a Muslim family who fled the violence in Algeria, explained that she has nothing against the way the teacher teaches classes and “lives religion at home.”

The defendant’s lawyer argued that the student is a “well-placed young woman” in society, who does not have the habit of watching the news and therefore did not know the circumstances in which Samuel Paty died.

The young woman, the lawyer continued, came across a “video of the parents of a student”, which denounced the use of cartoons of Muhammad by the teacher.

“Immediately, she made the comment, without seeking information, reacted vehemently” on social media, he said.

Samuel Paty, 47, was a professor of History and Geography at Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, on the outskirts of Paris (France), and was beheaded last Friday by Abdullakh Anzorov, an 18-year-old refugee of Russian and Chechen origin. years.

The father of a student of Samuel Paty and the Islamic preacher Abdelhakim Sefrioui are charged with “complicity in terrorist murder”.

Five other people are also formally charged, including two minors who reportedly identified the victim as the murderer, in exchange for money, but were released.

The pre-trial detainees remain two friends of the attacker, identified as Naim B. and Azim E., indicted for the same charge, as well as a close third, Yussuf C., who commits a crime of “terrorist conspiracy” with a view to to “execution of crimes against persons”.

The student’s father, Brahim Chnina, is in custody and awaiting questioning for this crime, who has started a social campaign against the teacher and against the teacher’s decision to show cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during classes.
