Selection matches will have followers for being ″ less risky ″, explains Graça Freitas


The Director General of Health addressed the opening of doors in the National Team’s matches with Spain and Sweden.

It was one of the novelties that marked the day on Tuesday: Portugal’s matches against Spain and Sweden, on October 7 and 14, respectively, will have fans in the stadiums.

Graça Freitas, general director of Health, spoke this Wednesday on the subject, highlighting the experimental nature of the decision and explaining why the “pilot test” will be carried out in national team matches.

“The situation is evolving and we will only do two ‘pilots’. It’s to test a concept, to test something to see if it results in safety. less risky, ”said Graça Freitas, at the DGS daily press conference.

“The first will be in Alvalade, with Spain, and will have an expected attendance of five percent of the capacity. We will see how the fans will enter and leave, the behavior … Next week it will be with 10 percent of the public. Let’s see, again, how are the circuits and the behavior of people. We are testing the conditions to see the behavior of people without any associated stigma, to see the behavior in a stadium. It is a natural evolution. We will do tests, it is a pilot experience And then we will see. The evaluation here will be very important. Then there may be a third pilot and it will be possible to enter production mode ”, added Graça Freitas.

The duel with Sweden, counting for the League of Nations, will also have Alvalade as the stage.

Regarding the match between Santa Clara and Gil Vicente, on the third day of the I League, which will have 1000 fans in the stands of the S. Miguel Stadium, the Minister of Health, Marta Temido, assured that the decision corresponded to the Regional Directorate of Health of the Azores. : “The question of the Santa Clara game was not addressed to me, it is a game that will take place in the autonomous region of the Azores, with a team from the region and is within the decision area of that Regional Directorate,.
