Seixal: João de Barros High School ready to open because it “invents solutions with resources” for ten years – Atualidade


Aliás, second or director, there never existed “a rotina to find solutions from baixo custo” and it was “some naturality” that he began to adapt or space for a new reality, as in the case of the installation of protective plastic for the secretaries.

Also, the masks are not missing and the planning of the classrooms is about to finish, so that each turkey will be divided by two rooms, respecting the distance rules.

“Num normal day there will be 120 some per shift, two 480 that we frequent or eleventh or twelfth year. You will enter through a corridor and saem through another. In the classroom will be allocated to a portfolio in the interval, as well as being able to meet some needs, “he explained.

There will also be operational assistants to control the entrances, verify the use of a mask and social distance, despite the fact that the director will prove that there will be no problems because some of them are more than enough to do it.

“It is my opinion to reopen the school to a vantage for some teachers. We fear that there are two crags and a maximum of care because each one of us is the protagonist of the solution, therefore, we fear that assuming responsibilities does not limit so that things can run wrong, ”Frisou.

At this moment, in the greatest concern of the “presença de professores”, I tend to be profissionais “that we could not appear” by fazerem part of cliff groups, or that it has been resolved as “substitution and eventually hiring”.

In relation to cleanliness, Maria Santos, 55, showed herself to be a specialist: “We receive training from Marinha and, not on the 14th, we are going to school in conditions. We are going to disinfect, pass with leaching, pass disinfectant on tables and tear up the rooms so that we can put the menos in, not as much as it should be. ”

Responsibly working for the school for 25 years and at present he is the operational coordinator, but he has passed “all over the place” and fears that he will be able to overcome difficult times.

“Less hair in the first week will be a more complicated sandwich because we will think that this is nothing, but it is, failing the acatam. São bons meninos ”, he mentioned.

According to Maria Santos, the classrooms of the contemporaries can also complicate this process because “the monoblocks are only very cold or very cold, depending on the weather” and it will not be possible to link or be conditioned.

Além disso, the coordinator admitted that “enough employees in the school, never have” and it will also not be possible to hire the same year or last year.

“I was worried, but nothing transcendent. Let’s tempt. Nós, in situations of crise we resolve always, at the same time with lack of weight, to malta collaborates umas com as outras. I fear it will be, ”he said.

The new public contest has been launched and it remains to hope that a pandemic will not affect the greatest hope of João de Barros: “that in September or out of work it is possible to resume the works”, second António Carvalho.
