Security forces will have risk subsidy until June


“We are working on the redefinition of the remuneration supplements, that is, in the provision of a risk supplement in the security forces, a matter that will have, within the framework of the State Budgets, to work until June,” said Eduardo Cabrita , in the parliamentary committee on Constitutional Affairs, Freedoms and Guarantees.

The minister affirmed that the Government complies with the State Budgets, reason why “a global review of the set of compensatory complements is being worked on”.

According to the minister, there are around a dozen supplements, between PSP and GNR, to which coherence must be given.

“As the State Budget says, it must incorporate the response to the risk subsidy, which had never been enshrined in any State Budget,” he said.

The risk subsidy is one of the main demands of elements of the security forces.

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