Screams of pain, violent attacks and severe bruising. What observers saw but did not report – Observer


This is how some guards, others deny having noticed injuries, described the state in which they found Ihor Homeniuk after the SEF inspectors left CIT. Despite these signs of aggression, one of the guards assured the PJ that at no time, after the inspectors left, did the Ukrainian citizen complain of pain. Others, however, say that He tried to put Ihor Homeniuk on the mattress, but he began to moan and chose to leave it on the ground for fear of causing him more pain.

One of the security guards assures the PC that everyone was concerned about the state of health of the citizen – but, even so, at that time they didn’t ask for help. They brought him water and even had to give him breakfast in his mouth, since he was handcuffed. He also guaranteed that they went to the room several times to see the man’s health and try to understand, with gestures, if he wanted to eat or drink something – to which Ihor replied no, nodding. One of those times, they noticed that their hands were turning purple.

To the PJ, a security guard explained that they cannot make decisions about the movement of people installed in the CIT and It would be “unthinkable” to get the man out of there. Same with handcuffs. Despite having the keys in his pose, he had no power to do so: still, he asked an SEF inspector to remove his handcuffs, which he did. By this time, Ihor Homeniuk will have opened his eyes and said a few imperceptible words.

It was precisely one of the guards who, upon seeing Ihor Homeniuk’s state of health when two inspectors tried to take him on the flight back to his country, decided to call someone from the Red Cross aid station. But tell me, the man “ran out of vital reactions.” The security guards described the following moments as a riot of people. The shouts of the inspectors were heard: “What happened? Who did that? This is not done, this is not done”.

If some guards told the PC that they were unaware of the real gravity of Ihor Homeniuk’s situation, others said that they had no doubt that the man had died as a result of the assaults. Although he did not attend, one of them assured that he immediately distrusted these inspectors because “sometimes they use force to try to calm these people down”, to “dominate these individuals” and to “prevent them from attacking others.”
