Scientists Create 100 Times More Sensitive Test Than Covid-19 Diagnostics


Dand according to information published by the magazine Galileo, a team of researchers from the University of Washington in St. Louis, United States, receives funds from the United States federal government to formulate a new test capable of detect a Covid-19 faster and more effective.

Designed from a nano probe fluorescent, the product has already been called fluorineplasmonic and will soon be widely deployed worldwide.

The scientific article presenting innovative technology was published in the journal Nature Biomedical Engineering.

For Srikanth Singamaneni, research leader and engineering professor mectounique and materials science the test “will be 100 times more sensitive compared to the conventional antibody identification method of SarscoV-2 “. This in turn can speed up the diagnosis of positive cases of the disease.

Furthermore, the new test has the advantage of not requiring the use of expensive and complex instruments, ideal for poorer countries and places.

But after all, how does the new test work?

Galileo explains that the fluorineplasmonic includes in its composition nanoparticles gold-plated with conventional dyes that detect minuscule amounts of biomoleculespoint at fluids, in this case the SarscoV-two.

The nanoparticles The golden and fluorescent lights work like headlights. In this way, doctors use them to visualize the biomoleculesaim with precision.

“However, the problem with fluorescence is that, in many cases, it is not intense enough,” he said. Singamaneni in a press release

However, the solution to this obstacle was based on the use of nanoparticles they absorb and spread light more effectively.

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