Schools will reopen this Monday with classroom lessons. But there are exceptions


The second period begins this Monday and in most schools the students will have face-to-face classes despite the foreseeable increase in cases due to the Christmas coexistence.

But there are exceptions: the Grupamento de Escolas de Mêda, in the district of Guarda, announced this Sunday that, in the next two weeks, the second quarter classes will not be face-to-face due to “the current epidemiological situation” of covid-19 in the municipality. In information released on Sunday morning on social media, the Group’s president, Luís Filipe Lopes, points out that it is a “preventive and mitigating measure.” We appeal to the tranquility, understanding and collaboration of the entire community, ”the statement reads.

The mayor of Pinhel, in the district of Guarda, told the Lusa agency that classes in the municipality will not be face-to-face in the next two weeks also due to the epidemiological situation. According to Rui Ventura, confirmation from the Regional Health Directorate is only needed, after the local and district health authorities have agreed to change face-to-face classes.

In Madeira, the regional executive adopted specific measures for the three municipalities with the “highest incidence of cases”: Funchal, Câmara de Lobos and Ribeira Brava. In these municipalities, the resumption of the courses will take place “progressively”, so that the health authorities can carry out a “concentrated and dedicated assessment of the situation” and “as the tests are carried out, educational establishments will be opened” , highlights the regional government.

In these three municipalities, the private public schools are expected to reopen until January 11, while in the rest of the educational establishments of the rest of the municipalities the schedule is maintained, beginning classes on Monday.

The government of the island informs that “the test teams will begin their work on the morning of Monday, January 4, in the three identified municipalities, with the aim of monitoring the more than 6,000 teachers and educational assistants.”

In the Azores, the local government determined this Sunday the “massive test” of covid-19 of the “school communities, students, teachers and non-teachers” of the schools of the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo and the town of Rabo de Peixe. The decision of the Azorean executive for the municipality and parish of the island of São Miguel, announced in a press release, takes place “after permanent epidemiological surveillance, which is in charge of regional structures with competence for this purpose, and has as objective to safeguard the defense of community security and public health “.

The tests will be carried out from Tuesday, “the establishments that had a teaching interruption at Christmas must remain in a distance education regime, until the tests are completed,” says the executive

Portugal represents at least 7,045 deaths associated with covid-19 in 423,870 confirmed cases of infection, according to the latest bulletin from the Directorate General of Health (DGS).

The state of emergency enacted on November 9 to combat the pandemic was renewed until January 7, with mandatory curfews in counties with the highest risk of contagion.
