Santos president warns: “Lucas Veríssimo can go out for free in January” – Benfica


Orlando Rollo warns of the “risks” that the club runs by rejecting Benfica’s proposal

Orlando Rollo, president of Santos, warned of the risks that the club runs after the The Supervisory Board has again issued a negative opinion on the transfer of Lucas Veríssimo for Benfica. The Peixe leader even says that the center may even end up leaving … without the São Paulo emblem receiving a penny.

“In January, the athlete (Lucas Veríssimo) will be able to leave for free due to the accumulation of overdue accounts. I respect the Supervisory Board, but it was a viable negotiation. Santos will take several risks and I will stay with my hat in my hand asking the [Andrés] Wheel [n.d.r.: candidato à presidência]”said Rollo during this Friday morning meeting of the Deliberative Council that, with this veto of the CF, he did not even vote on the matter. Thus, the Board of Directors (CG) of Santos ‘washed its hands’ of the possible consequences of this lead. ”Without these accounts receivable, there is no forecast of salary payments to athletes in December. Athletes are likely to go free in January. The proposal is not the best, but we have brought an option to save the club for the City Council. In other words, the CG is exempt from responsibility, “said Rollo, in words revealed by Esporte Interativo journalist Lucas Musetti Perazolli.

Orlando Rollo said that Luís Filipe Vieira, on his trip to Brazil, “improved the proposal by anticipating a portion in sight” and confirmed what Record He had already advanced in relation to Lucas Veríssimo having already agreed his salary with Benfica, the club he wants to represent. “Al-Nassr’s proposal is a little better but the athlete does not want to go to Al-Nassr. The athlete gave up 5% of his rights in a recent renewal, today he has 15%. It was a way of collaborating with us” added the President Santos, concluding: “The athlete is worn out since 2018.”

by Record


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