Sanofi-GSK vaccine postponed until at least the fourth quarter of 2021


meIn a statement, the French group Sanofi is he britdwarf GSK He explained this postponement with the “insufficient response” that has been observed among the elderly during the intermediate phase I / II studies that are being conducted.

In the note, the group specified that the results obtained showed an immune response in adults aged 18 to 49 years “comparable to that of patients who recovered from a infection COVID-19-19, but a weak immune response among older adults. “

The laboratories consider that this is due “to the insufficient concentration of antigen“.

For this reason, the group wants to “fine tune the concentration of antigens to achieve a high immune response in all age groups “.

In view of these facts, the Sanofi It’s in GSK will launch a phase study IIb which should start in February and if the results are positive, it will go to phase III (involving several tens of thousands of people) “in the second quarter of 2021.”

“The product formulation is not satisfactory. It is important optimizeit may take a little longer, “he told the French news agency. AFP Thomas Triumph, vice president of zone vaccinations Sanofi.

A Sanofi, which is developing the vaccine together with GSK -which provides its adjuvant-, had recently started the last phase of human testing before the authorities approved it (“phase 3”).

The French pharmaceutical giant, one of the world’s leading vaccine producers, expected to be able to produce 1 billion doses by 2021.

Me 09 November, a multinational American pharmaceutical company Pfizer and partner biotech German BioNTech announced that its experimental vaccine for COVID-19-19 was 90% effective, based on the analysis of 94 cases of COVID-19-19.

More recently, the American biotechnology company Moderna indicated that its candidate vaccine is 94.5% effective in preventing COVID-19-19, taking into account the analysis of 95 cases.

Russia also announced that its Sputnik V vaccine against COVID-19-19, developed by the National Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Gamaleya in Moscow, it is 95% effective, according to preliminary results.

The first batch of Sputnik V for the foreign market will reach people in janeiro 2021 based on agreements already signed with foreign partners.

The laboratory AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford also announced that their vaccine has an average efficacy rate of 70 percent.

On Tuesday, the UK began making the first doses of the vaccine against COVID-19-19, initiating a global immunization program that should be pushed forward as more sera are approved.

The first person in the UK to receive the vaccine against COVID-19-19, developed by the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, was a 90 year old woman.

A pandemic of COVID-19-19 caused at least 1,570,398 deaths as a result of more than 68.8 million cases of infection around the world, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected not end of December of 2019, I Wuhan, a city in central China.

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