Samsung maintains its Galaxy Note 20 and Fold 2 launch program for August


Red Magic 5G

Despite the situation that we have experienced in recent months with the COVID-19 pandemic, the main brands and even the main events scheduled for this year have been postponed or even canceled. All the main technological manufacturers had their schedules to present and launch their new products already programmed, but little by little and due to the prolongation and severity of the pandemic, they have been postponed.

But it seems that Samsung continues to plan to launch two of its new products by 2020 according to what it had planned. The Samsung Galaxy Note 20 and the Galaxy Fold 2 continue with the same launch schedule that the brand had from the beginning, that is, Samsung continues to have the month of August for the launch of these two devices despite the great instability that Currently experienced in the technology market.

In any case, the brand continues to work on these two teams as if it were effectively guaranteed to present them to the world in August, it will not be just one high-end team but two. Is it a risky move?

It will be something that, for some time, we will be able to analyze and verify if, through the evolution of the global pandemic, it was the right move or even if Samsung will not change its mind in the meantime. But apparently the pandemic doesn’t seem to be affecting the event Galaxy unpacked of this year.

We know that probably of the big technology manufacturers, Samsung will have been the one that, despite suffering financial losses (as the results of the sales of its latest Galaxy S20 team say), like all its competitors, may be the one with the least impact . feel, something we had already mentioned in a previous article. Maybe that’s the confidence the brand has to go ahead with its event in August, when we still don’t know when this whole situation will end.

But it is one thing to introduce new equipment to the world as it was with the Galaxy S20, another thing is the amount of sales it can represent. Is Samsung forgetting to continue financial constraints for the vast majority of families? Your next Galaxy Note 20 and Fold 2 devices may even be in stores for sale, but you will need to have money in customers’ pockets to buy them, something that apparently in the coming months will not be something that changes. We will see if Samsung’s risky move for the month of August will pay off.

Source: SamMobile
