Sá Pinto “sad” and “disappointed” with António Salvador for Trincão: «I lied!» – Sp. Braga


At stake are the statements of the president of Sp. Braga about the young winger

“A lie!” This is how Ricardo Sá Pinto, former coach of Sp. Braga, reacted to the statements of António Salvador, who said that this coach wanted to have sold Trincão in January.

“A serious lie in relation to what we project for the future of Trincão. In just five months with us, he played more than twice as many times as he had the previous year. He played in four competitions and was the first player. So we clearly bet on child and we would never think of firing a talented young man like this, ”the former Portuguese international told the Renaissance.


António Salvador says that Sá Pinto wanted to fire Trincão in January

“This is a great sadness, compared to what the president came to say. Even more so when I received messages from the president saying ‘sir, congratulations for the confidence you are giving the kid and such’. I still have those messages saved. , he is stressed.

However, Sá Pinto guarantees that these words do not surprise him. “My personal relationship with the president has always been good, but when I left I told him that he was a person who disappointed me professionally. Because of the expectations I created regarding his leadership and also because of what we had jointly committed to in relation to the goals from Braga. And, as you know, we were on the right track. This disappointment comes along the same lines and is therefore not a surprise, unfortunately.

by Record


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