Ryanair will resume 40% of flights in July with mandatory mask – O Jornal Economico


The airline low cost Ryanair confirmed that it will return to active service in July with 40% of planned flights, in addition to one of the mandatory requirements for customers is the use of a mask during all flights, says “Reuters”.

In this way, the Irish airline will begin operating a thousand flights a day from July 1, increasing the operation that takes place during the critical phase of the pandemic. Currently, the company low cost it is operating 30 flights a day, a number far from its regular operation.

According to the company, the resumption of some flights will allow covering 90% of the network that the Irish company had before the crisis before Covid, although there is less frequency for some destinations, the company said in a statement quoted by “Reuters”.

The airline’s chief executive officer, Michael O’Leary, had previously stated that they would increase to 50% of the operation in August, although half of the seats are expected to be empty due to “anemic demand,” as many travelers will continue. canceling their previously scheduled trips for the summer months.

To travel on Ryanair, when the airline resumes its activity, all passengers must complete a detailed report with their plan to visit the city or country in question, as well as the place where they will stay. This information will later be released to the governments of the European Union so that they can monitor quarantine measures.

According to the statement to which ‘Reuters’ had access, passengers flying on the airline should also ask flight attendants for permission to use the bathroom, thus avoiding the possibility of contagion. “Queues for toilets will be prohibited on board, although access is available individually for passengers who request it,” the statement said.

Ryanair will also disinfect all aircraft overnight, as well as ban cash sales on planes and encourage passengers to take a temperature before boarding.

For example, the United Kingdom, which is one of Ryanair’s largest markets, will impose a mandatory quarantine period of 14 days on anyone arriving in the country, a decision similar to that of Spain and the Autonomous Region of the Azores ( which lasts until May 31). However, airlines have already expressed their dissatisfaction with this measure, stating that it will worsen the serious financial crisis that the aviation sector is currently experiencing.
