Ryanair will resume 40% of flights from July


Ryanair will resume 40% of scheduled flights beginning July 1, subject to lifting the travel restrictions imposed by the covid-19 pandemic and applying public health measures at airports.

In a statement, the low-cost airline recalls that since the beginning of the flight restrictions in mid-March, it has been operating a daily schedule of 30 flights between Ireland, the United Kingdom and Europe and that since July it will resume flights in the Most of its 80 bases across Europe.

“Ryanair works to reestablish some frequencies on as many routes as possible, rather than operating many frequencies on a small number of routes,” the company underlines.

In preparation for their return, the company released a video that aims to encourage passengers to take sanitary measures to limit the spread of covid-19, including traveling with less hold baggage, online check-in, presentation of the boarding pass on the mobile phone, temperature control at the airport entrance and use of face masks in the terminal and on board the plane.

In the note, Ryanair also remembers that all its planes are equipped with HEPA air filters (similar to those used in hospitals) and that all the interior surfaces of the planes are disinfected every night with effective chemicals for more than 24 hours. .

In addition to temperature controls and the use of face masks / covers, social distance will be encouraged in airports and on board aircraft whenever possible, he adds. On board the aircraft, cabin crew will wear face masks / covers and a limited service of light meals and prepackaged beverages will be available, but cash payments will not be accepted on board.

Waiting lines for on-board toilets will be prohibited and access will be made upon request.

The company also encourages passengers to wash regularly and use hand sanitizers at airport terminals.

As a temporary public health measure and until the states of the European Union lift their blockades, Ryanair will require that all passengers traveling in July and August complete the data (at check-in) on the duration of their visit and accommodation address. during a visit to another EU country.

“This contact information will be provided to EU governments to help control any isolation measures imposed on visitors on intra-Community flights,” the company explains.

Quoted in the statement, Ryanair CEO Eddie Wilson says: “It is important to our customers and citizens that we resume part of the schedule from July 1.”

The official says that after the four-month blockade applied by governments across Europe, “it is time to fly back to Europe” so that we can “find friends and family, allow people to return to work, and relaunch the industry. tourism”. European Union, which occupies so many millions of workers. “

“Ryanair will work closely with health authorities to ensure that these flights adhere, wherever possible, to effective measures to limit the spread of covid-19. As has already been demonstrated in Asia, temperature controls and masks are the The most effective measure in short distance trips (1 hour) within the European market “, he adds.

Eddie Wilson also says Ryanair believes July 1 “is the most opportune date to resume a normal flight schedule, allowing friends and family to get together, workers to return to work, and savings that depend on both tourism and Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, France and others, recover what remains of the tourist season. “
