Ryanair collective fires in Porto and blames the union | Aviation


Ryanair will proceed with a collective dismissal in Porto and says the fault is the lack of agreement with the National Union of Civil Aviation Flight Personnel (SNPVAC). According to the union, the jobs of 23 workers are at risk.

“On November 13, after intense negotiations, Ryanair signed an agreement with SNPVAC,” the airline wrote in response to Lusa. “Unfortunately, the signed agreement was not accepted by the unionists,” he continues, so “as a result”, “he has to deal with the current excess of cabin crew, moving forward with a collective dismissal”.

The company also says it has no cabin crew vacancies in Portugal, but an excess. This position of Ryanair arises after, on Friday, the SNPVAC accused the company of violating the Labor Code, by initiating a collective dismissal at the Oporto base while promoting training courses for new crew members.

“While Ryanair is initiating a collective dismissal process, SNPVAC is aware that the company is simultaneously conducting courses for new crew members, in serious violation of the Labor Code,” the union said, in a statement sent to the newsrooms.

According to the workers’ representatives, on December 1, Ryanair resumed the process of collective dismissal of cabin crew at the Oporto base, which includes 23 professionals, “thus fulfilling its threats.”

SNPVAC also said that it appealed to the Irish airline, during the last week, to reach an understanding between the parties, but, “unfortunately, the company chose another path”, restarting the process of collective dismissal.

In response to Lusa, Ryanair says that the agreement rejected by SNPVAC members had similar terms to the agreement that it claims to have reached “with the majority of the cabin crew in Portugal”, and regrets that this union’s decision “leads to the job loss ”despite efforts“ to protect employment ”.

“Even the most conservative forecasts point to a resumption starting in 2021, with additional staffing needs starting in 2022. It makes no sense to adjust the structure to a transitory situation and then increase it in subsequent years, with additional costs of hiring and training. ”, Defends the SNPVAC.

The union entity regrets that Ryanair does not show a “real intention to safeguard its human resources”, after several weeks of negotiations with the crew representatives.
