Run the country in twelfths? “What irresponsibility,” says Catarina Martins – O Jornal Económico


The coordinator of the Left Bloc speaks out against the management of the country in twelfths in case the State Budget for 2021 (OE2021) is not feasible in Parliament, remembering that the Executive may present another Budget and the day that it is meet with the Prime Minister. The minister, Catarina Martins, leaves the message to António Costa that the idea that the document will only fail if the left joins the right is “unacceptable.”

“I heard yesterday the Prime Minister say that the country in twelfths would not be a political crisis, and it is true, but I hope the Prime Minister does not want twelfths, because what the country needs is a State Budget that responds to the crisis and that. it is what the Left Bloc is very focused on, “said the leader of the blockade on Monday, in an interview with” Observer “radio.

Asked more than once about how the Esquerda Bloc is positioned on this possibility, Catarina Martins stated that it would be “irresponsible.”

“If there is no budget, the Government can present another. But what irresponsibility is this, throwing the towel on the floor? We are experiencing one of the biggest crises that our country has experienced and that is why it is good to be serious, “he said, adding that” right now I am negotiating this and I am focused on that, that the country has serious solutions.

The leader of the blockade stressed that “there is a way to do politics in difficult times, which is to start making excuses to fail”, guaranteeing that the party “will not give excuses to fail.”

Catarina Martins described, however, as “unacceptable” the Prime Minister’s statements that the Budget will only be approved “if the PCP and the Bloc join the right.” “But now every time the PS does not negotiate, do you think the left joins the right? Is it this kind of reasoning? What is this? This is unacceptable in a democracy, ”he said, qualifying it as“ a zero argument, it is not serious in a democracy, ”argues António Costa.

“We never went to a specialty without having an agreement with the Government on essential matters of the specialty to ensure that there were no surprises between one moment and another. I think it is the most correct way and allows predictability for everyone ”, he emphasized.

Despite reiterating that the Budget proposal “in its current state is a bad proposal. It is not a question of insufficiency “and that” as it is, it is not in a position to be possible with the Left Bloc “, – although it clarifies that” that is, if there is no agreement for a path in the specialty ” leader of the blockade. that “it is good that there is progress today. I hope it can be posible. We are working on it “.

In an interview where she defended the four fundamental areas for the party -health, work, social support and Novo Banco-, Catarina Martins also defended that the Government did not present a proposal for an extra-budgetary labor agreement. “The PS did not put on the table any document with modifications to the labor law,” he said, considering that the document that the Executive presented to the left on this issue does not affect the law. “There has already been a moratorium on the expiration of collective agreements in other moments of crisis,” he exemplified.
