Rui Rio wants the Government to clarify whether false information was sent about prosecutor José Guerra – Observer


The president of the PSD wants the Government to clarify the news that the prosecutor José Guerra “will have falsified the curriculum” to justify his appointment to a European body “whose objective is precisely to fight corruption.”

“Did the Minister of Justice really do this? Being true is very serious. We have to clarify it ”, calls Rui Rio, in a post this morning on his social network Twitter.

SIC and Expresso reported that, in a letter sent to the European Union, the executive presents false data about the Government’s favorite magistrate for a European prosecutor, José Guerra, after a committee of experts considered Ana Carla Almeida as the best candidate for the office.

In the letter, to which the two bodies had access, José Guerra identifies himself with the category of “deputy attorney general”, which he does not have, being only a prosecutor, and for having had a participation of “investigative and accusatory leadership” in the process . UGT, which is not true either, because he was the magistrate chosen by the Public Ministry to hand down a sentence, and not the prosecution.

In response to Expresso, the Ministry of Justice says that it “does not comment on the document”, given the “reserved nature” of the selection process, without confirming or denying its content.

The Government admits “two lapses” in the sending of the curriculum of the lawyer José Guerra to Brussels

In September, before the inauguration of José Guerra (which took place on September 28), the PSD requested explanations from the Minister of Justice, Francisca Van Dunem, in parliament about the appointment of José Guerra as European prosecutor, for consider “objectionable” that the Government has not indicated the highest ranked candidate in the selection competition.

The Social Democrats then considered that the appointment of prosecutor José Guerra was “involved in controversy, since the best positioned candidate in the open competition for the selection of the three candidates appointed by Portugal (…) for the position of European prosecutor ended up not being the nominated candidate ”.

The government gave false information to the EU about the name chosen for the European prosecutor

The PSD recalled that the selection committee, made up of twelve personalities chosen from among former members of the Court of Justice and the Court of Constas, former members of Eurojust, members of the national supreme courts, high-level prosecutors and jurists of recognized competence, ” considered as the best candidate for the position, the Prosecutor, Dr. Ana Carla Almeida, responsible in the Central Department of Investigation and Criminal Action (DCIAP) of the processes related to fraud in community funds ”.

“However, this magistrate, despite having been the best positioned by the international jury, was finally rejected by the candidate appointed by the Portuguese Government for the aforementioned position (…), which seems objectionable,” considers the PSD .

On July 27, the Portuguese magistrate José Guerra was appointed European national prosecutor in the European Union Prosecutor’s Office, an independent body to combat fraud.

The European Public Prosecutor’s Office is an independent body of the EU, responsible for investigating, prosecuting and filing charges and supporting them in the investigation and prosecution of criminals who harm the financial interests of the Union (e.g. fraud, corruption, fraud). Cross-border VAT of more than 10 million euros).
