Rui Rio ranks second on the list of deputies to be vaccinated. The list has 50 names


Parliament appointed 50 deputies for the vaccination process against covid-19, announced this Friday the president of the Assembly of the Republic, Ferro Rodrigues, in a letter sent to Prime Minister António Costa.

A parliamentary source told the Lusa agency that among the 50 deputies, out of a total of 230, are the president of the Assembly of the Republic, Ferro Rodrigues, the deputies of the PS, PSD, PCP, PEV and one of the two not – registered deputies, Joacine Katar Moreira.

Both the deputies of the Bloc and those of the PAN, Chega and Liberal Initiative and the unregistered deputy Cristina Rodrigues will have announced that they did not intend to be on the list, said the newspaper “Público”, which had access to the list of deputies to be vaccinated.

In this group of 50 deputies, according to the same source, there are “almost all the vice presidents of the Assembly of the Republic, only without counting José Manuel Pureza, from the Bloco de Esquerda, who” gave up being vaccinated at this stage. “.

Headed by Ferro Rodrigues, the list included Rui Rio as president of the largest opposition party, followed by AR vice presidents, Edite Estrela (PS) and António Filipe (PCP), adds the newspaper “Público”, revealing that Fernando Negrão, of the PSD, informed Ferro Rodrigues that he did not want to be vaccinated.

They are followed by the presidents of the PS parliamentary groups, Ana Catarina Mendes, PSD, Adão Silva, CDS, Telmo Correia and PEV, José Luís Ferreira.

Below are the names “of the presidents of 13 of the 14 permanent parliamentary committees, with the exception of the deputy of the Bloc who chairs the Environment Committee, that of the eventual committee to monitor the response to covid-19 and that of the Investigation on the State’s action in the fires of 2017. There is also the president of the Parliament administration, the socialist Eurídice Pereira, and the social democrat José Silvano as a member of the administration ”, writes the newspaper“ Público ”.

This Friday, the PCP appointed two of its 10 deputies for vaccination against covid-19, António Filipe and Ana Mesquita, to the president of the Assembly of the Republic, for the essential positions they occupy in the operation of parliament.

In a note sent to the press, the PCP recalls its position in this regard, considering that “there are State agencies whose specific functions and competencies are relevant in the fight against the epidemic,” therefore, allowing the vaccination of the heads of these organs “due to health criteria and their specific functions and competencies.”

“These were the criteria that led the PCP, at this stage, to designate for vaccination only its deputies who are part of the Bureau of the Assembly of the Republic, the Vice President of AR António Filipe and the secretary of the Bureau Ana Mesquita”, express. says the party.

The heads of sovereign bodies, deputies of the Assembly of the Republic, members of the bodies of the autonomous communities and mayors, although they are responsible for civil protection, will begin to be vaccinated next week.

Earlier this week, the prime minister sent “letters to the sovereign bodies to establish priorities for inoculation in each of the services.”
