Rui Rio defends a new audit of Novo Banco. And will vote for the BE project | PSD


Rui Rio maintains that a new public audit of Novo Banco and a deeper investigation of this case is needed. And it is available to support the request of an investigative commission by the Bloco de Esquerda, a party that argues that the Deloitte audit has conflicts of interest and that it should be canceled, as revealed during an interview with SIC, on Monday night. -market.

“We have to find a public institution that, duly insured, performs an audit that is reliable,” suggested Rui Rio, during the interview, giving the Court of Accounts as an example of a reliable institution.

The leader of the Social Democrats also defended that the State should not put “not a penny more” in Novo Banco until it reviews “the current account” it has with this institution, although he admits that the contracts are yet to be fulfilled. When asked if he is against a new injection to Novo Banco in the next State Budget, Rio replied: “Not exactly, the Government has a great responsibility, it was the Government that signed the contract for the sale of Novo Banco” .

“The Novo Banco issue is so serious that obviously we have to make an investigation commission. I read the request written by BE, that’s right, I agree, I vote in favor, “said the Social Democratic leader, who does not consider this to be a partisan issue.

Rio reiterated that the various processes for the acquisition of real estate below market value by Novo Banco should be investigated by the Public Ministry and the speed with which the Attorney General’s Office decided that it should not issue a precautionary measure to avoid new ones is surprising. operations of this type. – It was “30 days in August”, when in other situations it took longer.

As for the next State Budget, Rio always refused to say whether it would be available to make a document possible in the run-up to the Portuguese presidency of the European Union, if the document is not approved by the left.

Rui Rio rejects the coalition with Chega in the municipalities. “Nobody changes in a year”

Rui Rio took a step back and rejected a coalition with Chega in the municipal elections, since “nobody changes in a year.” The leader of the Social Democrats, therefore, departs from the position he assumed in July, in an interview with RTP3, where he admitted “speaking” with Chega, the party led by André Ventura, if he moderated.

This Monday, faced with some Chega measures – such as chemical castration or life imprisonment – Rui Rio demonstrated that these measures are incompatible with the ideological line of the PSD. “Yes [o Chega] change, perhaps ”there is room for dialogue, but“ this month and a half ”did not see any change from the party,“ quite the opposite ”. And, for the municipalities, it rejects the coalitions with Chega, because “nobody changes in a year.”

In Rui Rio’s opinion, the CDS continues to be the only “natural coalition with the PSD”, since both parties have “a certain proximity”. However, he admitted that the CDS is “in serious trouble.”

“They always say that there should be a more critical opposition, look what happened with the CDS. People don’t vote for those who say bad things. [As pessoas] they want for the government that person whom they trust and who has an alternative with some traces of difference from what there is. Not criticizing everything, I think it was the problem of the CDS ”, he identifies.

Ana Gomes and André Ventura: candidates for the ‘break’

Asked about the presidential candidates, Rui Rio defended the reevaluation of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa who, despite not being his choice (but rather the national council of the PSD), “it seems clear that while someone from the PSD foundation , who was leader of the PSD and who is president at a time when we need stability ”the party’s choice fell on Marcelo.

Regarding the two candidates who have been running the most paint, Ana Gomes and André Ventura, Rio classified them as two “rupture” candidates, in contrast to Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who considered having a more moderate and stable profile. Although there are those who, within the right, will not vote for Marcelo, the PSD leader assumed that the majority is inclined to do so.

Regarding a possible second term for the current president, Rui Rio showed that “any PSD activist” preferred that Marcelo have a position closer to that of the party, however, he stressed that the president “is not from the PSD, he is from The Portuguese”.

António Costa in the honor committee of Luís Filipe Vieira

The PSD leader has been one of the most critical voices about political involvement in football and vice versa, counting on his resume a disagreement with Pinto da Costa at the beginning of the 21st century on this issue. Regarding the inclusion of the name of António Costa and Fernando Medina in the list of honor of Luís Filipe Vieira (names that were later eliminated), Rui Rio explained that he has not been very effusive on this issue because he is “right” with side.

“There was so much criticism of the Prime Minister that the disapproval is clear,” he said. And he left a warning: “football plays a lot with emotion, but politics cannot be like that.”

However, for the PSD leader, “if the president [do Benfica] I had no debts with Novo Banco ”, I would not consider the matter so serious.

Rio calls for “an economy that builds a stronger middle class”

Regarding the Costa Silva Plan for the economic reactivation of the country, he considers that the author made an “effort pro bonoAnd he recalled that there are European priorities, such as environmental issues, which are part of this plan.

However, for the opposition leader “this money has to cover long-term needs” for Portugal to be “more developed”, pay “better wages” and have “better jobs”. For this reason, he considers it necessary to “build a more competitive economy that builds a stronger and more robust middle class.”

“I understand the discourse around the most disadvantaged, and we cannot leave the people behind, certainly, but the older the middle class, the greater the development of the country,” he emphasized.
