Rui Rio criticizes little shame in the CGTP celebrations of May 1 – politics


Thousands of CGTP and PCP people on the street celebrating May 1 amid a state of emergency is unacceptable, but taking them by bus, when moving between municipalities is now prohibited, is a bit embarrassing. For the Government, the contraption has a special status. Not that way!

– Rui Rio (@RuiRioPSD) May 1, 2020

Today, in Lisbon, hundreds of people filled the lawns of Alameda in the afternoon, in the official celebration of the CGTP on May 1, this year with masks, as well as flags. UGT chose to mark the date through social networks.

Contrary to previous years, there was no traditional march on Avenida Almirante Reis, nor the usual taverns.

Due to the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic, people present in Alameda positioned themselves on previously drawn marks on the floor.

Throughout the afternoon, there were several calls from the organization to respect the safety distances and leave “moments of coexistence for other occasions.”

Dozens of PSP elements followed this action closely, and there was no incident.

Movement between municipalities is prohibited from 00:00 today and until 23:59 on Sunday, it is only allowed for health reasons or “urgent urgency”.

The limitation of the movement of people outside the municipality of habitual residence is defined in a decree, approved and promulgated on Thursday, which regulates the state of emergency and the calamity situation for the period from Friday to Sunday.

Since the covid-19 pandemic began in Portugal, this is the second time that circulation between municipalities has been conditioned, the first time during the Easter period.

Portugal is in a state of emergency until 24:00 on Saturday and, at 00:00 on Sunday, is in a state of calamity, and the government approved the decontamination plan on Thursday.

The government decree law that regulates this third period of the state of emergency, approved on April 17, maintained the prohibition of parades and demonstrations of any kind, but opened a new exception to the duty of collection for the official celebrations of the first. of May.

In the list of exceptions to the “general duty of care at home” in Article 5, a paragraph has been added to admit that citizens can “move in public spaces and roads, or in private spaces and roads equivalent to public roads” with the purpose of “participation in activities related to official Labor Day celebrations”.

In the same paragraph, the Government decree that regulates the extension of the state of emergency until Saturday, establishes that said participation must be carried out “observing the recommendations of the health authorities, that is, in terms of social distance.”

Portugal registers 1,007 deaths associated with covid-19, 18 more than on Thursday and 25,351 infected (306 more), indicates the epidemiological bulletin published today by the General Directorate of Health.
