Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump’s lawyer, has Covid-19 – Observer


Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was diagnosed with the new coronavirus. It was Trump himself who revealed the diagnosis of Giuliani, 76, on Twitter.

“Rudy Giuliani, by far the best mayor New York’s history, which has been fighting tirelessly to bring to light the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the United States, tested positive for the Chinese virus, ”wrote the still US president on the network Social. Get well soon, Rudy. Let’s continue !!! “

According to The New York Times, which cites a source who knows the lawyer’s health, Giuliani is at the Georgetown University Medical Center.

Giuliani, who was mayor Since New York between 1994 and 2001, he has spearheaded efforts to defend the still president to annul the results of the November 6 presidential election, which elected Democrat Joe Biden. A result that Trump has contested from the beginning with the help of the lawyer. Rudy Giuliani has repeatedly claimed to have evidence of voter fraud, but has refused to provide evidence.

The old mayor from New York appeared Sunday morning on Fox News to speak about the lawsuits he is bringing in various states in favor of Trump.

The attorney is one of several people in Trump’s immediate circle who have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus. According to accounts from The Guardian, at least 40 people linked to the still president have tested positive since September. Trump himself was infected in October, even admitted to the Walter Reed Hospital Center in Washington.

Joe Biden will take office as President of the United States of America on January 20.
