Rodrigo Guedes de Carvalho throws a sting at the almighty new TVI Cristina Ferreira – Nacional


Rodrigo Guedes de Carvalho was chosen by the SIC to interview Cristina Ferreira when she, two years ago, unexpectedly switched from TVI to Paço de Arcos television. In this live interview, the presenter even compared herself to Princess Diana … words that gave a lot to talk about. Now that she has returned “to the mother house”, the director of Entertainment and Fiction does not stop for a moment, reaching into everything. At the SIC she tried very well but she was never called to the center of power, and that will have been heavy when slamming doors and returning to TVI, where in addition to being a presenter and director, she is also a shareholder. And faced with this omnipresence, ‘Insónias do Carvão’ joked with Cristina Ferreira and TVI, showing what the future of the channel will be like … with Cristina in everything: from the newspaper to sign language. Thousands of shares and “likes” quickly made this action viral. But there is one comment that stands out: Rodrigo Guedes de Carvalho took care to comment and thus publicly show what he thinks. This is not the first time he has shown how he feels about saloia.

Perhaps that is why Cristina confesses that she felt like an “emigrant” in the SIC …
