Ricardo Araújo Pereira and Cristina Ferreira in isolation for having had contact with positive cases | Coronavirus


Ricardo Araújo Pereira (RAP) is isolated, like Cristina Ferreira. They both contacted people who tested positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

On Friday, at the end of the night, in the shadow government program, the RAP chair was empty. Carlos Vaz Marques explained why and the comedian appeared on the screen on another stage, at a distance, in front of a computer monitor and with headphones posts. RAP explained that, as they now say, he was with someone who “tested positive”, so he is in prophylactic isolation.

Both Pedro Mexia and João Miguel Tavares played with the theme and remembered Cristiano Ronaldo. In the last show “This is making fun of who works, second place”, RAP made a joke with a CMTV play about the captain of the Portuguese soccer team. This Friday he returned to the charge, comparing himself with Ronaldo (who is really infected). “The same can be said of me: this man is a combatant, this man is going to expel the animal and the animal does not know who he was involved with.”

RAP does not know if he is infected and mentioned that he could get tested earlier in the week.

Cristina Ferreira also announced, on Friday, that she is in isolation, after receiving the singer Bárbara Bandeira on her program, who announced that she had received a positive test. In the case of the TVI presenter, the test was negative, but she still opted for isolation.

The presenter took advantage of social networks to report on her health, saying that she has no symptoms and that she will repeat the test earlier this week. Cristina Ferreira takes the opportunity to leave an appeal to those who follow to be careful. “Be careful. This, as the health authorities say, is a period of peak contagion and we must be protected, “he concludes.
