Ricardo Araújo Pereira, a “type of left” who refuses to be “demoted to prime minister” – Famoso


The humorist Ricardo Araújo Pereira (RAP) assumes himself as “a person of the left”, but prefers the position of comedian to “mock the prime minister”, rejecting any possibility of taking advantage of his means and leading a serious political life.

In an interview with the agency LusaDuring the 44th “Avante!” Party, in Seixal, the RAP defined the difference between left and right and criticized those who think that their political quadrant has “moral superiority” over the other.

“No, I don’t think (enter political life) … My job is to make fun of the Prime Minister (PM). I would not accept being demoted to PM. I find a life much less interesting than mine, besides that, I suspect that you you get worse, “said the former PCP militant, who for 20 years worked in the field of the political-cultural event in Quinta da Atalaia.

The founder of the Gato Fedorento group and the protagonist of numerous revelries such as that of the popular “Alfama type” confessed that he had “no vocation or interest in entering political life,” while enjoying “as a citizen, all rights, including whether to support or not to certain parties ”, which he has done“ several times ”.

Unlike other communist dissidents, the RAP is very fond of “Communistan”, perhaps because they are the only voices in the public space who defend, here and there, “the Party”.

“I have never hidden my ideological orientation. I have no reason for that. I have always defined myself as a person of the left, understanding the difference between left and right in the following way: it is a way of seeing things and it is an organization proposal social, “he claimed.

For the RAP, “it is another thing to consider that there is a moral superiority of people on the left over those on the right and vice versa.”

“Whenever I hear someone, from anywhere, consider that his is morally superior to the other, for me, it is defined. People on the left think that people are more equal than unequal and, therefore, society must make a great effort to try to reproduce this equality ”, he defined.

In turn, “people on the right have a different understanding, they think that people are quite unequal and that, to be fair, within certain limits, it is natural for society to reproduce some of these differences.”

Asked about the current political situation, that is, the hypothesis of a repetition of the agreements between the PS Government and the left parties, the comedian preferred not to take a specific position.

“I hope that they (politicians) produce a lot of embarrassing moments because I need to work, my daughters need to eat, so honestly, from a professional point of view, I don’t know if the reissue of a ‘gadget’ is possible. The only thing I hope is that they say one thing several times today and another tomorrow, blatantly contradictory things, so that I have material to make fun of them, “he wished.

Upon its return, on Saturday, to the “Come on!” Party, the RAP caused the first truly massive event in an edition marked by public restrictions due to the covid-19 pandemic.

The debate on humor and politics, in the Festa do Livro space, began later due to technical problems, but, above all, due to the avalanche of about 500 people who wanted to hear it.

The PCP organization even improvised, placing benches in the middle of the internal circulation route, and there were times when the sanitary distances were completely ignored, such was the enthusiasm to attend the discussion with the communist leader Margarida Botelho.
