Retired nurse who returned to work to help in the pandemic dies with covid-19


The Italian nurse who had returned to work died to help her colleagues fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

Alfonso During, 75, was infected with the new coronavirus and “in a short time” was admitted to intensive care, where he finally died, said nursing colleagues on Facebook.

The Italian reinforced the emergency team at a health institution in Grumo Nevano, near the city of Naples, in the Campania region.

Alfonso During, a true hero during the pandemic, left us “, refers the page.

Given the increasing pressure that the second wave is putting on European healthcare systems, many countries are asking retired healthcare professionals to go back to work. This is the case in Italy, which has seen a gradual increase in the number of infections and daily hospitalizations.

Alfonso During’s former colleagues call him “hero” and refer to him as someone who always had a smile on his face.

The regional councilor of Campania, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, proposed that the nurse receive a medal for “civil honor”.

If he doesn’t deserve it, I don’t know who deserves it “, said.

The publication calls from health professionals who are in retirement to stay at home, avoiding putting at risk, a message that conflicts with some calls made in recent months for retired doctors and nurses to help.

His former colleagues, quoting the Italian press, nicknamed him “hero” and described him as a person who always had a smile on his face.

Francesco Emilio Borrelli, regional councilor for Campania, proposed that the nurse be awarded a medal for “civil honor”. “If you don’t deserve it, I don’t know who deserves it anymore”, said.
