Results of the tests to municipalities and other organizations – O Jornal Económico


There are test results for Covid-19 that constitute personal health data, to be disclosed to the entities that financed them, such as municipalities or employers. A situation that can constitute a very serious infringement of data protection regulations, according to the newspaper “Público” this Sunday, November 15.

The National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD) has already received some complaints and is currently in the process of instituting a process involving a public entity. If this infringement is confirmed, the fine can reach 20 million euros.

The entity in question, according to “Public”, is the Municipality of Castelo Branco, which at the end of April bought five thousand tests from Hemobiolab, a laboratory for clinical analysis to detect those who had already been exposed to the virus.

Of these, the municipality provided 1,782 tests free of charge to teachers and employees of the municipality’s schools and the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (IPCB). The results were communicated by the laboratory to the municipality, which, in turn, individually contacted the employees whose tests were positive.
