Respect for the confinement was stronger than faith.


Her name is Fernando de Deus, but it is Our Lady who dedicates a pilgrimage every year. It has been that way for the past 15 years. In this, there was a void left by an unfulfilled desire.

These days he should be on his way to the Fatima sanctuary, part of a group that would leave Paredes with more than 400 people. Staying home was difficult, don’t hide it.

“The day the game was scheduled was remarkable and the approach to May 13 will be terrible. This year will be a vacuum,” laments the 53-year-old.

In 2006, Fernando de Deus went on pilgrimage for the first time, to thank Our Lady for a promise fulfilled.

“On the way back I was already reflecting on the idea and decided that I would repeat the experience,” he says. Year after year this renewal of faith continued. Not only for that, but for the camaraderie, the friendships created and the exchange of feelings that only those who take the path understand.


“Sometimes we go alone to meditate on life or pray. Sometimes we help each other. Just a good day and a smile,” gives the example of the Paredes bank employee.

Despite the first news about the pandemic, he still had faith that he could make the pilgrimage. In view of the current reality, understand that it is not allowed. “We will see if in October there are conditions so that we can get going. I have this hope,” he confesses.

1100 pilgrims

Every year, three institutions in the municipality of Paredes organize pilgrimages to Fatima. By 2020, 1,100 people were registered, not only from the region, but from other parts of the country and many migrants. The feeling generated by the cancellation was sad.

The Nossa Senhora dos Remédios Association – Welfare work, charity work for the sick and paralyzed in Paredes and the Rancho Regional de Paredes already had logistics in progress and about 300 volunteers ready to support the pilgrims, but were forced to change plans before covid-19.

Many wanted to enroll next year. One of the institutions intends to make the pilgrimage in October, if the conditions are already met.
