Republican majority in Congress supports Trump to invalidate results


reRepublican Ezassete attorneys general and 126 members of Congress joined Texas and President Donald Trump in urging the United States Supreme Court to override millions of votes in four states, based on unsubstantiated fraud allegations.

Today, Republican Senate Leader Kevin McCarthy of California and Steve Scalise, from Louisiana, demonstrated support for action Trump, who asked the Supreme Court on Wednesday to stop President-elect Joe’s victory Biden, in four key states, claiming that the governors of those states used the pandemic caused by COVID-19-19 as a “pretext” for changing the electoral rules to allow more votes by mail, an option chosen by millions of Americans.

Some Republicans expressed concern about the case. Many others have remained silent.

“Texas is a big state, but I don’t know exactly because it has the right to tell four other states how to conduct its elections. So I am having a hard time understanding the basis of that process, ”said Republican Senator Lamar Alexander. NBC.

Rick, Professor of Law at the University of California Rabbits He wrote in a tweet that “the Supreme Court will not overturn the elections in the Texas case, as the president told them.”

The lawsuit against Michigan, Georgia, Pensilvagirl and Wisconsin repeats refuted and unsubstantiated accusations about voting in four states that gave victory to Democratic candidate Joe Biden.

The case requires the Supreme Court to invalidate a total of 62 Electoral College votes from the four states, a record unprecedented in US history.

The Texas court case was joined by 17 others in which Trump won. They are Florida, Missouri, Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia.

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