Republican congressman files impeachment petition for Biden


AThrough the social network Twitter, which recently suspended him temporarily for spreading unsubstantiated allegations that Biden’s victory was the result of electoral fraud, Greene announced today that the request is based on Biden’s “corrupt actions” in Ukraine as vice president and in the “abuse of power by allowing his son, Hunter Biden, to receive money from the greatest enemies of the United States, China and Russia.”

Recently elected by the state of Georgia, Taylor Greene belongs to the more pro-Trump wing of the Republican party and has in the past championed the ‘QAnon’ movement, which has been spreading a number of conspiracy theories propagated by supporters of the former. President.

In the note published today, Greene says that Biden cannot assume the position of president, due to his “extensive and disturbing pattern of abuse of power as vice president of President Obama.”

“President Biden has already shown that he will do whatever it takes to cleanse his son Hunter and line his family’s pockets with money from corrupt foreign energy companies,” the congresswoman wrote.

Along with the more pro-Trump wing of the Republican party, Greene has in recent weeks refused to acknowledge Biden’s election victory and had already threatened to file for impeachment.

Days before the joint session in the US Congress to confirm the Electoral College votes, on January 6, Donald Trump summoned Republican senators and congressmen, including Greene, to try to reverse, in Congress, the defeat in the presidential elections of November.

“I just got off the phone with @realDonaldTrump. He wants everyone to call their representatives and senators today, all day,” Marjorie Taylor Greene wrote then.

Following the invasion of the Capitol on January 6 by pro-Trump protesters, Congress finally approved a request for the removal of the outgoing president for “inciting insurrection,” the second of his term, which has yet to be confirmed by the Senate.

On the eve of Biden’s inauguration and the start of Trump’s impeachment, Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell condemned the outgoing president’s actions.

“The crowd was fed with lies. They were encouraged by the president and other powerful people. They tried to use fear and violence to prevent a legitimate process from the first branch of the federal government that they did not like,” admitted McConnell, who was one of top Trump supporters for the past four years.

This will be the first impeachment trial for a president who is no longer in office.

The Democratic leader of the House of Representatives declined today to indicate when she intended to refer the indictment against Donald Trump to the Senate.

Also read: Trump’s Wall on progress on the US-Mexico border despite the suspension

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