Reopening of markets to help farmers sell products.


Dafter being closed by pandemic of greedy-19, the Vila Pouca de Aguiar market was opened, but only for local farmers.

Within the stands are the distancesnces security and nobody enters without disinfect hands with alcohol gel or masks, offered by the cameramara for those who don’t.

Maria Adosinda Gomes is farmer in the town of Vila do Conde and he told the Lusa agency that he felt difficulties and fear when he started pandemic, because the fairs closed.

“Here I am already managing to sell. This is the second market and it is going well. This initiative is of great help to producers in the municipality,” he told the Lusa agency.

The smell of the earth emanates from its stall, from onion, tomato, pepper or cabbage, ready to be transplanted.

Gabriel Fernandes has a garden with the most varied vegetables, some for transplant and others for export.

He took advantage of the initiative of the municipality to “get rid of the surplus”, especially since he used to sell at fairs that were closed due to the pandemic.

“It is an initiative to praise and enjoy and that is helping the county’s economy. When manufactured here, our product has other characteristics that will allow it to better resist our weather conditions,” he emphasized.

Her client Helena María bought onion and peppers for the small garden next to the house. “I was late for fear of coming to buy, but today I took advantage of it,” he said.

Next door, Isabel Castela sells beans, bread, Strawberries, French garlic. “It is no longer sold in the same way, people are afraid, I am afraid. It has been a very sad moment. Coming here helps a lot, psychologically and financially,” he told Lusa.

José de Sousa Alves took the opportunity to buy tomatoes and peppers so that, when the rain decreased, he would plant in his garden because everything that is harvested “is of better quality.”

“All initiatives to help the people of the earth are good,” stressed this client.

Farmer António Pereira said the business is going well, but he refuses to talk about the pandemic. “I don’t want to talk about anything negative,” he said.

The octogenarian Mário Pinto left his house for the first time in a month and a half to sell the honey he produces. “I came to show and already sold some bottles,” he said.

Jorge Gonçalves has greenhouses and nurseries in the town of Souto with plants and flowers of season. I used to sell to sellers and this is the first fair I attend.

“We don’t feel a big drop in sales because people are buying a lot of this type of plant to transplant and make their own gardens. We even increased sales of this type of product,” he said.

The president of the chambermara Vila Pouca de Aguiar said that the reopening of the market is an “incentive for local production” strategy, which will be repeated every Friday, even beyond the pandemic.

“It is essential that we rationalize the sector for the survival of the territory itself. Our entrepreneurs are true heroes, they are experiencing enormous difficulties, the points of sale are highly conditioned and it is important to have a dynamicmicas that allow the sale of the product, “he said.

As in Vila Pouca de Aguiar, other municipalities in the Trás-os-Montes district such as Alijó, Chaves, Boticas, Valpaços or Tasty They are reopening or even creating markets to sell products from local farmers and, at the same time, guaranteeing fresh fruits and vegetables to consumers.

In Tasty, the municipality decided to promote every Sunday, from 10 May, a market for terrestrial products, aimed at producers in the municipality, for the sale of their fresh, horticultural and fruit.

Each producer will have an individual stall and a kit available. protection individual.

Given the difficulties small farmers in Boticas face in draining their production and minimizing the negative impact of the outbreak pandemic is causing in sector The municipal market is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

“Versus stream situation in which we find ourselves, this was one of the ways in which the producers of our land could dispose of at least part of their production and have cost effectiveness of his work, avoiding further losses, “said the Speaker of the Housemara from Boticas, Fernando Queiroga,

As a precaution against greedy-19, the municipality determined that the movement of people inside the building should be done alternately, thus avoiding groups of people in the same space.

Portugal ends on Saturday 02 May, the third 15-day period of state of emergency, which began on the 19th March, and enters the state of calamity from 00:00 on 03 May.

In Portugal, 989 people died of the 25,045 confirmed as infected, and there are 1,519 cases recovered, according to the Address-General health.

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