Reopen America. The new three-phase war front


The numbers are still expressive in the United States. More than 4,000 deaths in 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to approximately 33,000, according to data from Johns Hopkins University on Thursday..

“The United States wants to be open and the Americans want to be open,” said the American president. “National closure is not a long-term sustainable solution”reinforced

The next front is to reopen America. Under pain, Trump says, there are serious consequences for public health: an increase in drug, alcohol, heart disease and other “physical and mental” abuse.

That said, he presented the guidelines to get out of the confinement, which will serve as a guide for the governors of each state to lift the restrictions in the coming months.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi called the plan “vague and inconsistent.”

Donald Trump believes that the economy should take “one careful step at a time”, but asked the governors, to whom he promised effective management of the situation in each state, to act “quickly”, depending on what they want to do.

For the President, those who are healthy must return to work “when conditions allow it” and that social distance measures must be maintained.

Trump has advocated for the economy to return to normal after the closure has caused unemployment. More than 20 million people have already registered in the employment centers, saying goodbye. Only in the last month.

However, several experts and governors had issued warnings against reopening the economy too soon. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert advising the Administration, considered that resuming the economy on May 1 would be “too optimistic”.

Ron Klain, who oversaw the Ebola response in the Obama administration, came to criticize the President’s plan. “This is not a plan. It is hardly even a powerpoint, ”he said on Twitter.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi argued that testing was the key to reopening the economy, saying the plan was “vague” and “inconsistent.” and accuse Trump of failing to listen to scientists to produce and distribute rapid evidence across the country.

“Opening America again” articulated in three phases

The guide has 18 pages detailing the three phases so that each State can revive its economy and the precise criteria that determine the transition from one phase to the next. Each phase is at least 14 days old.

The first phase can begin within that time, 14 days, if the numbers show a decrease. But Trump admits that some states could advance earlier on Friday. There are 29 states in that position, the president said.

Phase one

The first phase maintains many of the measures in force in the confinement to avoid unnecessary trips and groups of people (more than 10), while telework continues to be encouraged.

However, it does allow places like restaurants, houses of worship and sporting events to open as long as they follow strict social distance protocols. Gyms can reopen with new rules.

Hospitals may resume some elective surgeries that have been suspended.

Phase two

If the first phase continues without a significant increase in new cases, then a new step is taken towards the reopening of the economy.

Non-essential travel becomes possible, schools can reopen and bars can operate with less occupancy.

Groups of people of up to 50 elements can happen.

Phase three

It will be the “new normal”.

New hygiene standards and more space between people are constantly being adopted to prevent the spread of the virus.

At this stage, states experiencing a sustained decrease in the number of cases can approve “public interactions” with social distance and with workplaces in order to operate without restrictions.

Home and hospital visits can be resumed and bars can increase your ability to receive people. It can be considered to suggest that the elderly avoid crowded places.

To return to normality completely, there must be at least one month of evaluation.

In states where infections increase again, returning to normal will take longer.

The White House coordinator for the fight against Covid-19, Dr. Deborah Birx, emphasized that if states go through these three phases, they can allow more and more workers to return to work.

There are general hygiene recommendations and steps that should be taken by everyone, at all stages. One of these directions is to create a “robust testing program,” which includes antibody testing for hospital workers. It also includes the geographical reference of people who have contacted infected people through mobile phones.
Recommendations, not requests
“The decision will depend on the governors,” said Donald Trump in the presentation of the document. “You are going to direct the operations, we are going to help you”, he argued.

The plan is a set of recommendations, not orders. In that sense, it is a withdrawal from what the president had demanded on Monday, arguing that he had full authority to order states to leave or remain in confinement.

On Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence revealed that 24 percent of the United States has reported no cases of coronavirus. Half of the states have less than 2,500 cases.

The New York governor has already said that state will continue with an indication for citizens to remain in their homes until May 15.. It is the most affected state and this week seems to have shown some signs of stabilization.

The Governors of Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky have announced that they will work together to reopen the region..

“We recognize that our economies depend on each other and that is why we have to work together to open our economy safely so that people can go back to work and get back on track,” reveals a joint statement.
