Relatives of hospitalized patients asked for covid-19 tests


SESARAM said in a statement that in order to comply with the new norm of the Hospital Visits Regime, during tomorrow (December 14) reference relatives will be contacted to schedule their SARS-CoV-2 test.

The tests will take place between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

SESARAM calls on the relatives to wait for the contact to indicate the day and time of the test, to avoid meetings.

The same source recalls that the situation of the special units that follow their own visiting regime is safeguarded, which we reply:

Intensive Care Service,


– Race unit

– Neutropenia Unit,

– Intermediate care units,

– Palliative Care Unit,


– Pediatrics

– Midwifery service (pregnant women, delivery room, postpartum)

– And patients in terminal care.

In these Services or Units, the specific rules proposed by the Service Directors / Nurse will apply. Managers and validated by the Technical Directions
