Reguengos. The story of the confusion over the refusal of doctors that turned into political war – Observer


The refusal to treat patients, implicit in the words of off António Costa – “the cowards did not fulfill their duty” -, then, do you mean the family doctors? And who gave that information to the Prime Minister?

After receiving the Order’s report, the Minister of Health asked José Robalo to comment on it, which the press often refers to as the ARS report and which is one of the four that the President of the Republic claims to have read. Reguengos. In the document, dated August 13 (day 58 of the outbreak), and signed by the president of ARS Alentejo, the negative word appears several times.

Reguengos. Marcelo read the four reports and says that “the Public Ministry has a lot of material there”

“Health professionals, namely, general and family medicine doctors, they refused to comply voluntarily to exercise their functional rights, so they had to be summoned to do so, ‘”Robalo writes in paragraph 23. The word“ volunteer ”is not innocent, says a doctor to the Observer. “One thing is a service schedule, which we have to comply with, another is to ask to be volunteers, as it will have happened in the Hospital of Évora,” he argues.

Further on, Robalo details who, in particular, the doctors were – “USF Planície doctors who refused to voluntarily perform their functional functions” and refers to a role required by family doctors, the one on which you have relied to speak of rejection. “ACES medical professionals in Central Alentejo submitted numerous written order requests to fulfill their normal functional duties.”

And what role is this?

“Although it is not obligatory to go home, the doctors went every day. There was not a day when doctors were lacking. “The words are from Roque da Cunha, SIM president, heard this week by The Observer. For the first time, in this whole process, they coincide with those of José Robalo. As for his previous statements, in which he accepted the refusal as true, Roque da Cunha says they were a slip. “What I wanted to say is that you shouldn’t have gone. They could have refused and if they did they were doing it well ”, he argues, among other things because that was always the advice that FNAM and SIM gave their associates. On the way, remember that no doctor was prosecuted by the ARS, so no one refused anything.

“There was no disciplinary process, since all [os médicos de família] it complied with the set of stopovers that had been programmed by ACES in Central Alentejo ”. The words are now from José Robalo to Rádio Observador, delivered on August 18, the day that Ordem, unions and the ARS itself lined up: after all, no doctor refused to go to Reguengos’ home to attend to the sick.

63 days after the start of the outbreak, in all the statements to the press, Miguel Guimarães, president of the Order, always speaks in family doctors (never in hospitals) when he says that there was no refusal to treat patients. Despite several attempts, it was never possible to speak to the president.

President: the doctors did not refuse to treat patients in Reguengos

What happened after? This is where paper comes in, explains Valentim Lourenço, president of the Southern Regional Council of the Ordem dos Médicos, to the Observer. But what role?

“I didn’t find a single doctor who refused to treat patients. What they did was ask for a written order on how they should provide assistance at home where they felt they couldn’t do it safely, ”he explains. The goal was that they could not be held criminally responsible if something happened to the sick. “The focus was never on treating the sick, he did it safely.”

The observer source explains that This document has two purposes. “First, we wanted to have in writing the order that family doctors had to provide care in the home facilities. As we considered the order illegal, we did not want it to be only oral, we wanted to have a document to prove it, “explains a doctor.

Is that the dispatch of the Minister of HealthPrior to all the controversy, it determined that Covid patients, who lived in nursing homes and did not need hospitalization, should be followed up daily by family doctors. But this is like home. Doctors are not expected to be there permanently, as the ARS later imposed with its order, ”says the same doctor, anonymously.

The other purpose of the role that the family doctors sent to the ARS was to be unable to answer for “some misfortune that happened to the sick.” For family doctors, there was another question on the table. The type of patients in question required that they be followed by specialists, that is, the hospital doctors, not considering having clinical skills to respond to some of the health problems that may arise.

The document, to which the Observer had access, refers to this: “The declarant declines all and any responsibility derived from the practice of medical acts ”, arguing “lack of adequate conditions for the exercise of their functions”, adding that “the exercise of their activity under these conditions is likely to put patients at risk and, consequently, can be attributed to the declarant medical responsibility, be it deontological, disciplinary, civil or even criminal ”. What they refute.

In fact, it is not only doctors who write to José Robalo. July 6 Twentieth day of the outbreak and two days after the hospital doctors stopped being permanently in the multipurpose ward, the coordinators of various health centers once again insist to the ARS that they do not have clinical skills to respond to more complex health problems that may arise among patients. . Before that, at a meeting on June 30, they had already raised the same issue.

“Since then we have learned that, at least on July 4 and 5, the hospital doctor Internal Medicine was not present, contrary to the provisions of the resolution issued by the Board of Directors of ARS Alentejo on July 1, 2020. It is with great concern that we have verified this non-compliance, since we fear that it could compromise the quality of care provided these users and, ultimately, lead to a more serious outcome ”, reads the letter to which the Observer had access.

For Valentine Lourenço It would have been the role demanded by the family doctors and the letter from the coordinators that was understood as reluctance wanting to care for the sick. “The coordinators of all the services made it clear that the specialty of family doctors is not an emergency and that patients would demand another type of professional care. The ARS president will have understood this as a negative, but it is only his perception. There is no written document that shows that the family doctors refused to go home ”, he concludes.

At the end of so many laps, always with his hand on the right wall, in the face of the contradictions of all the protagonists, it is still not entirely clear who were the doctors who refused to provide support to the patients in Reguengos’ house. But taking a step back with the help of the ball of yarn, it becomes clear which of the various versions was most considered by the Prime Minister’s office and led to the statements in off. Finding the way out of the maze is now in the hands of the prosecutors.
