Registry of 95 deaths with deaths in all regions of the country


There are 5,080 more cases and 95 more deaths from covid-19 in the last 24 hours in Portugal, according to data from the situation report from the General Directorate of Health (DGS) this Friday (December 11).

It is a record in the daily number of deaths in Portugal, surpassing the 91 registered on November 16. And there was no region of the country where there were no deaths. There were 41 more in the northern region, 32 more in the Lisbon and Vale do Tejo region, 16 in the center, two in the Alentejo and two in the Algarve, and one in each of the autonomous regions, Azores and Madeira.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 340,287 cases have been registered in Portugal and 5,373 deaths from covid-19.

In the bulletin there is also a record of 74 fewer people hospitalized (3,230 are now) and two less in intensive care (507).

There are still an additional 4,100 recovered (there are 263,648 since the pandemic began). Thus, there are 71,266 active cases throughout the country (885 more than the previous day) and the authorities have 74,894 contacts under surveillance (less 739).
