Rapid tests, shortage of professionals and use of masks. Reactions to the DGS plan for the next months of the pandemic


Miguel Guimarães, president of the Ordem dos Médicos, considers that the The winter plan for the pandemic is highly conceptual and impractical.

In statements to Good morning portugal, the official believes that the biggest challenges in the coming months will have to do with the response to non-covid patients and seasonal flu.

Miguel Guimarães also reinforces the need to seek help from the social and private sector to respond to these two challenges, but also to the increase in cases of infection that have been registered. “We will need help from the social and private sector,” he reinforces.

The president of the Ordem dos Médicos also defended the importance of the so-called “rapid tests”, considering that they will allow the transmission chains to be broken more quickly.

Finally, the official considers that the The mask should be worn in public outdoor spaces on busier streets, since it protects from Covid-19, but also from seasonal flu.

Situation in households

Ana Rita Cavaco, The president of the Ordem dos Enferiros, considers that the Government’s plan to face the second wave of the pandemic is globally positive, since it imposes a policy of periodic tests on healthcare professionals.

Also in statements to Good morning portugal, the official considers that the issue of the operationalization of the plan will be the biggest problem in the coming weeks.

Ana Rita Cavaco warns of the approaching flu period, with many patients accumulated in the health services.

The president of the Order of Nurses also states that there are not enough nurses, with more than 20 thousand of these Portuguese professionals working outside the country. The official believes that the shortage of nurses affects mainly households.
Use of masks outdoors

Jorge Roque da Cunha, from the Independent Doctors Union, points out that the winter plan to face a possible second wave of the pandemic was made “behind the backs” of the doctors.

Not Good morning portugal and RTP, The official also defended the mandatory use of masks, even outdoors, and a more meaningful sanctions regime for infected patients who violate lockdown..

Roque da Cunha also states that private hospitals should have been included in this plan and that the difficulties and lack of investment in health in recent years are undermining the response to the pandemic.
Less doctors

Noel Carrilho, president of the National Federation of Physicians, considers that there is a “growing distance from reality on the part of the Ministry and the minister.”

In statements to Good morning portugal, the person in charge declares that there was not enough reinforcement of human reinforcements and there was a shortage of doctors even before the pandemic.

“We have fewer doctors than at the beginning of the pandemic and that is why we cannot talk about reinforcement,” he says.
“The situation has begun to deteriorate”

Ricardo Mexia, president of the National Association of Public Health Physicians, considers that the situation has already begun to deteriorate with the increase in cases registered in recent weeks.

The official also considers that the reinforcement of the promised means has not been implemented in practice.
