Rapid tests on November 9, in F1 ″ there were things that went worse ″


Rapid tests begin to be used on November 9, within the framework of the national testing strategy for the new coronavirus, announced the Director General of Health. As for the crowds at the F1 Grand Prix in Portimão, Graça Freitas acknowledges that things turned out worse. “

The National Testing Strategy for SARS-CoV-2, published this Monday, determines that in outbreak situations in schools, homes or other institutions, rapid tests should preferably be used to apply “quickly the appropriate public health measures.” .

At a press conference, Graça Freitas announced that the quick test rule “comes into effect on November 9 so that all interested parties have time to adapt.”

And he explained the contexts in which they should be used: in symptomatic people in the first five days of symptoms; people without symptoms but in an outbreak context and in the periodic screening of health professionals.

“A person strongly suspected of having a rapid test with a negative result requires a PCR test (with swab),” added the Director General of Health, highlighting that “the advantage [dos testes rápidos] it’s your speed. “

“The strategy of the Directorate General of Health is the same: test, follow, track, isolate and, I now add, humanize,” stressed Graça Freitas.

Asked about the Formula 1 Grand Prix (F1 GP), the general director of Health admitted that “there were things that went well and things that went worse”, but said: “I don’t think it was catastrophic.”

Graça Freitas began by explaining the criteria that led the health authorities to authorize the holding of this event with an audience: 27,500 people in a structure with 100,000 seats. He stressed that “the Algarve has been little affected by covid-19 – in this Monday’s bulletin it presents 27 new cases – a region with a lower incidence and a lower RT (risk of transmissibility)”.

The security conditions of the hotels in the region and the conditions of the racecourse were also taken into account, in addition to “a weekend event, which is not repeated “.

Regarding the track, Graça Freitas highlighted the “easy and safe access to banks from the public “,” pedestrian zones “have been banned and the fact that”banks have rules, they are divided by sectors, with a limited number of people“and be” an event outdoor, which is good in terms of transferability. “

The DGS official also recalled “positive past experiences: [tivemos] a political party (Avante party) that went well, a religious demonstration (October 13 in Fatima) that went well and we had several pilot tests in soccer that ran in an exemplary way ”.

At the F1 GP in Portimão, it was found that “on training days, two benches did not comply with the regulations. And what was done on race day? People from the most problematic banks were transferred to another sector ”.

“In some sectors they respected what the DGS recommended. But there was some discrepancy between the recommendations and the ability to organize all the banks well and the ability to inspect, ”Graça Freitas pointed out.

“I have already seen from many angles and in many ways the distribution of the public and in most of the stands the audience had the necessary distance and wore a mask“If a bank has a sticker that says ‘you don’t sit here’ it would be good if they didn’t sit there,” he appealed. “There is a co-responsibility that is ours, that belongs to everyone,” he reiterated.

“Lessons for the future: either we have to restrict events a lot or we have fewer people,” acknowledged the head of DGS, to “have more control over the imponderables, people, especially.

The rate of diagnostic tests for covid-19 with a positive result is 9.8%, revealed the director general of Health, considering that it is a high value.

Graça Freitas confirmed that the profile of current patients in relation to the so-called first wave “is actually different”, with, at this time, a “large percentage of patients who are young adults”.

It is in the age group “from 20 years to 49 and 59 years where most of the cases are located,” he added, referring that “there are few cases in early pediatric ages” and very young children have presented rates very high incidence low.

Considering the last week (October 19 to 25), 4% of the cases were between 0 and 9 years old and 9% between 10 and 19 years old.

Regarding hospitalizations, the majority are ill in the age group from 60 years.

Asked about the death on Sunday of a young man between 20 and 29 years old with covid-19, Graça Freitas explained that the victim had morbidity at the origin and was a sick person.
