Rail is the top priority for the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union in the field of transport – O Jornal Económico


The Minister of Infrastructure and Housing, Pedro Nuno Santos, participated today, December 8, in the virtual Council of Transport Ministers of the European Union, the last one under the German presidency, and presented what will be the priorities of the Portuguese presidency of the Advice. of the European Union, which begins on January 1, for the transport area.

“Placing the railway at the center of a more resistant European transport system at the service of people, taking advantage of the European Year of Rail Transport, in 2021, is one of the main priorities of the Portuguese Presidency of the Transport Council. Contribute to the rapid recovery of the transport sector, guaranteeing operational capacity in different modes and the flow of people and goods in the Union, accompanying the preparation of an EU contingency plan to face pandemics and other disruptive crises, and paving the way For a more ecological, efficient and resilient transport sector in Europe are three of the main concerns that will be followed during the Portuguese presidency ”highlights a statement from the Ministry of Infrastructure and Housing.

According to this document, “in aviation, the Single European Sky project will be at the top of the agenda.”

“The Eurovignette, in road transport, and the Commission’s Strategy for Smart and Sustainable Mobility are another of the outstanding issues”, concludes the aforementioned statement.
