Punctured bubble: 11 players who contacted Paire will play the US Open: «It’s incredible»


Benoit Pair This weekend he became the first player to test positive for the new coronavirus in the US Open bubble and created chaos among his teammates, fearing that the French tennis player had transmitted the disease to them. Always without mentioning names, the North American Federation (USTA) excluded Paire from the tournament and drew a close relationship line with the French within the bubble, identifying 11 tennis players who began to deserve special attention. All were isolated for a few hours, before receiving a new negative test and being forced to sign a new authorization letter, where they agree to have even less freedom of movement within the bubble for being considered ‘close to Paire’.

Noah Rubin, The tennis player who is competing in the US Open, denounced the situation this Sunday at the end of the night in his podcast, recalling that there is no coherence with what happened with Guido Pella and Hugo Dellién. “There are 11 players who have had close contact with Paire and who are going to play the tournament. The organization gave them new papers to sign, with even stricter rules, but they will play. It’s amazing that we can waste all the effort in that way. They contradict what they did in the Cincinnati tournament with Pella and Dellien. What the hell are we doing? “

The young man from the United States also denounced violations of the rules in the bubble. “This is not a big bubble. There are many workers at the facility who stay home. And that violates the spirit of the bubble, which means bringing everyone together in the same space, in a controlled environment ”.
