PSP warns about the circulation of ″ fake news ″ about crimes and calls attention to rumors


The PSP warned, this Friday, by the circulation, especially on social networks, of false alerts about crimes that cause social alarm and asked the population to always review the source of the information so as not to be fooled by rumors.

In a statement, the PSP says that it remains attentive to criminal phenomena and, when justified, alerts the population of it and shows preventive behaviors, asking for the reporting of crimes of which it is aware.

“These publications, whose origin is unknown, report events that did not occur and generate social alarm, generating a feeling of insecurity in the population. Furthermore, as these false alerts do not have real support, they end up misinforming the population ”, he explains.

Underlining that “the rumor is not informative”, the Public Security Police advises to always do a search on the source of the information, to see if it is credible, read the full story, since some attractive titles can be misleading, and verify the Author.

It also says that it should be verified if the same information is disclosed by official sources such as the PSP or the media disseminate the same information, and confirm the date, since sometimes information that is not updated circulates.

On the same note, the PSP also warns that, if the news / alert seems strange, it means that “it may be satire” and advises looking for more information about the website or the author who is publishing it.
