PSP prevents four covid-19 suspects from working in the Braga market


This morning, the Public Security Police (PSP) prevented three or four operators of the Braga Provisional Market from selling fish there because they had been in social isolation for a week and under active surveillance by the Local Health Authority due to the possibility of contracting covid-19 in contact with infected people.

Speaking to O MINHO, the mayor of Braga, Ricardo Rio explained the situation: “whenever there is a case under surveillance in the municipal universe, they notify us. In this case, we only knew why they did not isolate themselves and we were asked not to let them go to work. As it happened, with the support of the PSP ”.

The mayor says he is “concerned” by the growing number of cases in the municipality, which in the last 24 hours has registered another 20 infected and says that you cannot “lower your guard, because the coronavirus has not yet been overcome.”

“You have to be careful with contacts in the workplace, in churches, at parties and other social activities,” he appealed.

On this subject, the newspaper’s website Minho’s Diary It reports that the PSP was in the place, in front of the Pópulo convent since 06:30, where the provisional market is located, and will even have seized fishing trucks.
