PSP and GNR prevent 780 people from entering public transport due to the lack of masks. Three people arrested for “attempt to break the rules” – News story


Speaking to Lusa, the spokesperson for the Public Security Police, Nuno Carocha, said that the policemen opted for a position of awareness, information and pedagogy, as happened throughout the state of emergency, between March 19 and 2. May, due to the covid-19 pandemic.

Throughout the country, three documents were raised for people who “expressed their intention not to comply with the rules” and to want to enter public transport without masks or visors, added Nuno Carocha.

According to the same official, 320 people were expelled or could not enter public transportation because they did not wear a protective mask or visor.

The PSP spokesman noted that these data are provisional, as operations are still ongoing, which began this morning across the country at metro, train, bus and river stations.

Nuno Carocha also said that police officers distributed masks and visors that had been donated to the PSP by institutions in solidarity with the population, which did not have this protection.

Republican National Guard spokesman Hélder Barros told the Lusa agency that the GNR had “a pedagogical attitude” on this first day of mandatory mask or visor on public transport, adding that there was still “a great lack of knowledge”.

The same official maintained that the objective of the GNR army was to guarantee that no one entered public transport without masks or visors, with 460 disabled people throughout the country.

Public transport passengers who ignore the mandatory use of masks or visors, due to the covid-19 pandemic, incur a fine of between 120 and 350 euros.
