PSP and GNR continue to disagree on escort for covid-19 vaccines | Vaccinations


Disagreements between PSP and GNR on the distribution of covid-19 vaccines have been repeated in recent days. RTP says that, after the Évora incident, in which the PSP blocked a van that was transporting vaccines to the local hospital until the shared escort between these two police forces was decided, identical situations were repeated in Barcelos, Caldas da Rainha, Lisbon, Portalegre and Viana do Castelo.

Regarding the Évora incidents, registered last Monday, the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, hastened to order the opening of an urgent investigation by the General Inspectorate of Internal Administration (IGAI). Eduardo Cabrita also asked the Secretary General of the Internal Security System for “information on the defined traffic tracking and clearance rules” to monitor the distribution of vaccines to the different administration points of the same.

In the case of Évora, the van that delivered vaccines in the south of the country from Coimbra was blocked by the PSP after the delivery of the first batch to the hospital in Évora, supposedly because, although the security of the vans is in charge of the GNR , the PSP Évora will have considered it to be an area under its jurisdiction.

For the PUBLIC, Paulo Santos, from the Association of Police Professionals (ASPP) attributes the disagreements to “operational issues.” “We believe that both the PSP and the GNR are acting to serve the interests of the population and to ensure that the distribution of vaccines is done quickly and conveniently, but these are episodes that may continue to exist due to some uncertainty in the rules. . established in the respective protocol ”, declared the union representative of the PSP professionals, defending that, and even because the vaccines will continue to be distributed in various jurisdictions,“ the institutions must be able to communicate and create vagueness ”.
