PSD supports proposing a new mandatory anti-covid app


Rui Rio had already said that his main objection to the StayAway Covid was its effectiveness, but Adão Silva, the PSD parliamentary leader, goes further and does not exclude that it is the Social Democrats who propose the mandatory application that allows monitoring infections with another efficiency.

In an interview with Expresso dedicated mainly to the State Budgets for 2021 [disponível neste sábado na edição impressa], the president of the “orange” parliamentary group admits that “a computer application”, other than StayAway, as designed and articulated, “that is effective and capable of preventing and combating Covid” would be “a very serious problem” to consider .

Even in the face of criticism from the opposition, the constitutionalists, the National Commission for Data Protection and the creator of the application himself to the Government’s attempt to end the premise of voluntary adherence, Adão Silva does not rule out that some individual guarantees are partially pinched with a new tool.

“I am hoping that the proposal can be made in the end [dos trabalhos na comissão parlamentar] be conciliatory between the constitutionally provided rights, freedoms and guarantees and, on the other hand, the practical effectiveness of the measure. And I say more: if to be effective we have to slightly decrease this protection, no problem. The most sacred thing in any person is life. “

As for StayAway, he is not confident that much progress is achievable, but, having listened to the experts at the Commission on Constitutional Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees, PSD may even come up with something new, which it explains. , it cannot be “incompatible” with the protection of freedom and privacy of citizens. In any case, Adão Silva insists: “The greatest good is the protection of life.”

In addition to the application, the parliamentary leader also focuses on an issue that heated the week and that can still make an ink in the social democratic hosts: the referendum on euthanasia. Emphasizing that he is in favor of the decriminalization of medically assisted death, Adão Silva affirms that he is also in favor of the popular consultation (this Friday), although he describes the formulation of the question of the citizen legislative initiative as “unspeakable” and an “aberration” .

As parliamentary leader, he stresses that “it makes no sense” to open proceedings with Rui Rio’s leadership or the bench itself – it would be “something completely extravagant”, in his opinion – but he guarantees to be prepared to “suffer the consequences” that the National Council of Jurisdiction of the PSD, the “court” of the party, will come to understand to sanction what it says was “an act of freedom.” “I’m old enough to say that my freedom [está] above all ”, he concludes.
